Learn how these technical SEO tips can improve your search engine rankings to beat the competition.

This article of technical SEO Tips is far from complete, but we have to start somewhere. This is a great list of best SEO for beginners who are learning SEO while at the same time haven’t documented their SEO friendly standard operating procedures yet. In case you already have a more advanced SEO knowledge, you might want to scan this list if there is any you should define technically or add technical SEO best practices to your procedures.

Take a tour of the following technical SEO tips so you can customize what SEO best practices that suit your needs, or clients, and take the first Search Engine Optimization SEO step off from the starting line.

1. Images have Alt-text?

Ensure that all images utilize the alt text attributes and keep it to 125 characters maximum. The alt-text attribute specifies an alternate text or alternative information for an image if it cannot be displayed, or for any reason the user cannot view it. The Alt-text is also called “alt tags” and “alt descriptions,” which appears in place of an image on a webpage when it fails to load on a user screen. It eases up screen-reading tools to describe images to visually impaired readers and allows search engine crawlers to better rank your website.

2. Minimize JS, cookies, CSS, and images

Google may not index your website when it is new and doesn’t have any inbound links yet. So, please create an account on Google webmaster tools and register your website to indicate Google to your sitemap.xml for them to crawl your URLs. And minimize the use of javascript (JS), cookies, CSS, and images to make your site as usable as possible.

After minimizing the use of web technologies for Google indexing. Please take note that not all search engines such as Bing, Yahoo, Ask, AOL, DuckduckGo, Yandex and Baidu, user browsers, web services, and screen-reading devices treat JS, cookies, CSS, and images the way Google does. Better keep things on your site as simple as possible for maximum SEO optimization effectiveness.

3. Analyze anchor text

Check those internal anchors on your website are analyzed, and being used in a consistent and optimized way. The anchor text is the visible character and words that hyperlinks display when a link is created to another document, content element, or location on the web. It appears as a blue underlined text, but you can change your website link colors and styles through your HTML or CSS coding for better analysis.

Analyze anchor text using Google Webmaster Tools to check whether it uses descriptive text and provides a basic idea about the page that the anchor text links. You can get started with Google Search Console (GSC) SEO Starter Guide or explore other online SEO tools like Ahrefs.

4. Does the currency reflects the target country

Make sure there are no currency problems on the site spanning many regions or languages. Any currency-related issues can significantly affect your website reach, so is its traffic. Check that currency between foreign markets on the website reflects the target country as it influences site performance to users and search engine result pages or SERP.

Like the value of goods or services, the demand level of a currency determines the product value proposition. Currency affects supply and demand factors in foreign exchange and future expectations for the target currency. Take a look at currency indicators on your websites, such as inflation & interest rates, country currency strength, trade terms & duties, and political performance.

5. Check for network and scripting errors

Correct any issues learned with your web browser’s development tools. Use Google Chrome Developer Tools to check for network and scripting errors. Get started with this Google Chrome Developer Tools’ hands-on tutorial on “Inspect Network Activity of the most commonly-used Development Tools related to your web page’s scripting errors and network activity.

6. Check for overuse of site-wide links

Check whether your website is overusing the global navigation feature. Visitors would expect user-friendly horizontal navigation across the top or vertical navigation down the left side of their browser. Putting your navigation in a standard place makes your site easier to use and leads to a lower bounce rate, more pages per visit, and higher conversions.

Make sure that the graphical user interface of your global navigation is reserved for buttons, links, dropdown menus, tabs, search bars, or any other design element providing ease of movement from one set of content to another. Your site-wide links offer your readers with easy navigation on how it works and can speed up their search within and with the linked web resources.

7. Avoid stale pages

To avoid your website becoming stale, update your web pages at least quarterly. Improve or revamp the “About Me” page as this is one of the most essential pages of your website that you should keep fresh. Add new photos or graphics to the portfolio, link back to your content on other pages of your website, and write short blog posts with high-quality content regularly.

Maintaining a content calendar is an excellent start to periodically update your website with new keyword data, repurposed older content bringing it to an updated version, a simple website redesign or web design optimization, and upgrading its website functionality.

8. Check for pages that need exclusion

Check what pages of your website that the robots.txt file needs to exclude. Your robots.txt file should indicate that the search engine crawlers or user agents (software) can or cannot crawl pages on your website, specifying crawl instructions to “disallow” or “allow” the behavior of one or all crawlers or user agents. Once these crawlers were able to index your website pages, it will label any duplicate or alternate pages with “Excluded” in the crawling report. When web crawlers can index your canonical page, they will mark that page as duplicate or alternate. Such indexing results will provide an SEO advantage for your website, check for Google Index Coverage Report.

9. Is the website missing GA code on some pages?

Ensure that you can identify the tracking ID of your website. Most often, websites sometimes break without their owners being aware. The key is to ensure that error pages must have Google Analytics tracking code so you can monitor them accurately. These error pages may include missing, improper or incorrect information like phone number, payment or credit card details, etc. Are any web pages on the website missing their Google Analytics (GA) monitoring code? Try checking your entire site for missing GA or Google AdWords code with a GA Checker.

10. Check for blocking by X-Robots-Tag HTTP Header.

The robots meta tag lets you use a granular, page-specific method of setting how a specific page should be indexed and served to the user’s search results. The X-Robots-Tag serves as an element of the HTTP header response for a given URL. A “robots meta tag” can contain an X-Robots-Tag. Any directive or blocking instruction in use by a robots meta tag can also specify this blocking directive as an X-Robots-Tag. You can check the details on how to use X-Robots-Tag in Google Developers Tool.

11. Catalog target search modifiers (best, how-to, etc.)

List down and document a set of the search modifiers that the site is using. It is easy to remember most search operators or modifiers. These search modifiers are short commands that stick in mind. When you understand and know how to use them effectively altogether becomes your advantage, especially in responding to a navigational query or search query. You can type or enter into a website, the site’s name instead of typing or entering its URL into a browser’s navigation bar, or using a bookmark if available.

Learn more of these search modifiers, try the use of Google Advanced Searching.

12. Checked for pagination problems

You need to check if there are issues with pagination that can lead to having problems with search engines trying to crawl your website. Any pagination problems can cause crawling issues for search engines, which in turn, go along with the problems of a large number of URLs. If you have a considerable amount of web pages with paginated content, it’s unlikely that Google will crawl all your pages and, therefore may not index all the pages you want it to.

13. Proper URL Canonicalization used?

Ensure that the redirects, navigation, external links, sitemaps, and feeds are aligned with the canonical URL. The canonical version of your website will help Google to choose and crawl that URL, and all other URLs that you specified. So, it is suitable for your website to indicate that Google should spend time crawling the updated and relevant pages on your site. It is better to verify at the stage environment and implement the canonicalization, including rewrites and redirects from all other protocols. Find and index the canonical version or URL of every page of your website using the URL Inspection tool on Google Search Console. The tool will help you check for proper URL canonicalization, and whether a page has a canonical tag to prevent it from appearing on multiple URLs. You may not expect that all URLs on your website would be indexed, though.

14. Does the website properly use permalinks?

Check whether your website has set-up and uses permalinks properly. You can think of this part of the URL as a conversation between your site and a search, which means that the permalinks you use and the structure you decide have corresponding redirects to ensure fresh content is directed to the respective URL on your website.

15. Page names and image names

Ensure that all your website pages, document names, and image file names are keyword enrich. When it comes to image SEO, it is essential that when you use keywords to help your website pages rank on search engines, it would have an exact match with search queries. You need to create descriptive, keyword-rich file names that are crucial for page and image optimization. Search engines crawl the text on your webpage, but they also crawl your image file names. Double-check that page names have meta descriptions, tags, and images have proper captions, alt-text, tags, titles, and descriptions.

16. Check for mobile-friendliness

More people are searching for things from mobile devices than ever before. So your website needs to be mobile-friendly. Having a mobile-friendly website is a definite ranking signal that will help your SEO efforts.

You can check to see if your site is mobile friendly (in Google’s eyes) by using the Google Mobile-Friendly Test Tool.

17. Check for bad link anchor text like “click here.”

Check your website for “Click here” anchors as these are considered bad. Over time, it becomes more descriptive about the goal of the hyperlink, which you need to be specific instead. An anchor text should be a specific clickable text in a hyperlink (that usually appears in an underlined blue color text) that matches or is relevant to the page you’re linking to. So, avoid being generic, i.e., click it here on your anchor text. Google search engines will index your website, and your anchor words will help crawlers to identify which of your webpages are running spam operations, are having bad links like “click here” and which are legitimate. These bad (i.e., click here) anchor words or links can tell your readers where they can find more information on your site, and what is on the other side of your anchor links. Worst is it can affect their search preference on your website and may cause them to bailout your competitors for more optimized content and relevant anchor links.

18. Check for redirect chains

Does your website utilize redirect chains? Do these chains take so long to get it to the other side of the redirect?

If either scenario happens to your website, better check your URL redirect accuracy, redirect status code, and internal redirect chains, or identify redirect loops. Use GSC’s Webmaster Tools to generate a report and map out chains of redirects to determine the number of hops along the way, how long it will take to identify the source, and if there is a loop. You can also check for redirect chains using https://redirectcheck.com.

19. Too many outbound dofollow links?

Ensure that your website has, in a way, not too many external dofollow links as these may diminish your webpage’s PageRank. We usually link to high-authority domains or websites with a typical length of high-quality content or articles that are 500 words or more with 3-5 outbound links. In some cases, there are around 7 or 8 outbound links or dofollow links that these high-quality content may have had. Thus, contributing to your off-page SEO optimization value, helping your website to cope with Google’s gradual increase of link building profile analysis to verify any site’s conveyance of online authority with other domains.

20. Check Certificate expiration dates

Put domain and certificate expiration dates within a business calendar and create alerts the month before these certificates expire. You can check these in Google Chrome by clicking the padlock icon in the address bar for whatever website you are on, click “Valid.” In the box that subsequently appears or pops up, under the “Certificate” prompt, click on “Valid,” then check for the expiration date. You can use SSL Shopper for a fast SSL/ TLS check, other information, and a quick diagnosis related to your SSL certificate installation.

21. The main content is above the fold

Ensure that the main content of your website pages is always “above the fold,” a terminology coined from the early days of publishing that refers to content on the front page of a newspaper or tabloid, particularly the upper portion, where it often shows the headlines or relevant story or photograph. In web development, this “above the fold” content refers to the portion of the web pages that loads first, becomes visible for browsing, and what the visitors first see without scrolling or clicking. The fold in on the website relates to the scrollbar.

22. Check for polluted data from forms

Check your website for polluted data from forms, and If people are trying to corrupt your data. Should this happen, then you are most likely a viable target for Negative SEO. Additionally, A negative SEO is the exact opposite of Search Engine Optimization. Where the former devastates your website, the latter optimizes it on the contrary. To prevent this, you need to install alerts in Google Search Console. Monitor your backlinks for low-quality, spammy links, and redirects and duplicate content using online SEO tools (for backlinking, disavowing links, etc.). Attend to the security needs of your website seriously by changing your passwords or improving your password protection frequently and ensure malware or spam protection. Also, never make enemies as this will result in data pollution or negative SEO. Check regularly for your site speed and server status, and avoid using black SEO.

23. Check for a video sitemap?

Check whether your website is using a video sitemap that is an extension to the standard sitemap. Ensure to follow video best practices to get the best results in Google Search Console Guidelines for Video Sitemaps. You can create and check Video Sitemap, or you can embed this within an existing sitemap at your convenience.  Adding video Video metadata to your existing sitemaps can create video metadata, which can be done manually, or you can choose the easier ways with a lot of online generators or creators of a video sitemap.

24. Is the website using a CMS

It is important to identify the earliest how content is being managed on your website, as this can impact your plan for optimization. You can detect a content management system or CMS through the source code of the website. For instance, the site is built on WordPress or Joomla, you will be able to find the CMS in the source code through its search option. Just type “Ctrl+U” then “Ctrl+F” and then search for the CMS that you think the website is built on. A CMS makes interaction with a website database user-friendly.

25. Is the website using wildcards in subdomains?

A possibility that black hats can invent subdomains that function with the existing website. In this case, you can create a wildcard DNS record to point out all existing and non-existing subdomains to a specific area. Sight, for instance, www.example.com would direct to *.example.com when a wildcard subdomain is enabled. The *.example.com is the wildcard subdomain. Check moz.com to learn more about the use of website wildcards in subdomains.

26. Check server headers.

Look into the server headers for every web page type on your website. Investigate server configuration errors and fine-tuning issues. The server headers are used to return a number of significant results and to check how a webpage responds to a request publicly. You can use online tools such as seobook Server Header Checker to check for your server headers.

27. Check for problem HTTP Status Headers

Check for configuration problems with your website’s HTTP or HTTPS headers? In Chrome, visit a URL, right-click, select “Inspect” to open the developer tools. Select the “Network” tab. Reload the page, select any HTTP request on the left panel to display the HTTP headers on the right panel. Open out or expand the node for the “server” option, then further expand the “Web Sites.” After that, right-click the “Web site” and then click “Properties.” Click the Custom HTTP headers tab, and then click Add. In the Custom header name box, type the custom HTTP header name.

28. Ad Blockers

Check how your site engages “ad blocked” visitors. You can also request users to whitelist your site by targeting ad block users only. You can also bypass ad blockers. All these you need to deploy to your website to optimize your conversion rate, prevent losing revenue, and improve the quality of user experience on the Internet. Learn Google’s new ad blocking technology to Chrome; check it out at DoubleClick by Google.

29. Minified CSS/JS/HTML

Verify each of the static assets on your website is minified and hosted on a suitable content delivery network or CDN, if possible. Use GSC’s Google’s Developers Tool to minify your CSS/ JS/ HTML as well as create a build process to minify and rename the development files, and save them to a production directory. When you minify these tools, you can remove unnecessary or redundant data without affecting how a browser processes the resource.

30. Checked CSS Validation

Check that each of the site’s cascading style sheets or CSS validates it to set parameter selection properly and avoid overfitting as well as anticipate possible hacks. When you check your CSS validation, you will know if it complies with the CSS standards. There are a few online tools or a CSS Validator that can help you check your website’s CSS validation, and also tell you which CSS features are supported by which browsers in the CSS implementation.

31. Optimal meta descriptions used?

Check that optimum tuning and uniqueness of the meta descriptions both on your website and on the internet. Remember that you cannot take your product content to your meta content. Your meta description shouldn’t be more than 160 characters long, including the spaces between words. Ensure you write something unique as your meta description as it represents your product and attracts potential buyers. To check this on your web page, right-click a non-hyperlinked area of the page and select “View Source” in Internet Explorer or “View Page Source” in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome. Look at the top of the page source between the and tags.

Most metatags begin with <meta name= or <meta http-equiv=. Though meta descriptions are no longer a factor on your website ranking, it can impact a page’s click-through rate or CTR on Google, which can positively impact your page’s ability to rank in the search engine result pages.

32. Google Page Speed Insights Evaluated?

Ensure that the page render times are good and at least within the average load time of the top ranking websites. In Google, a web page loading time is under three seconds, highly consider this as most visitors or people tend to leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load. When you improve your website page speed, you have a lot of opportunities to increase your website traffic. Use Google Developer Tools – PageSpeed Insights to analyze the content of your web page and generate suggestions to make page speed faster.

33. Check for canonical URL agreement

Check whether the web pages URLs on your website are in agreement with the canonical URLs. The rel=canonical element or also known as the “canonical link,” is an HTML element that helps prevent duplicate content issues. When the canonical URL is in agreement, it can specify to search engine crawlers the preferred version of a webpage, which is the “canonical URL” or the original source to improve a site’s SEO. Should there be canonical issues, you can address it by implementing a permanent 301 redirect. This scenario may not be the case at all times. So depending on the server that hosts your website, you have to determine the method you want to use in implementing a valid redirect.

34. Checked keyword usage in content?

Look at how keywords are being employed in the page content. You need to deploy focus (primary or main) and related keywords into your page content. These steps can help you to start with – use keywords on your meta description, SEO title tag, article title, within the first and last 200 words of your content, and throughout the article or page content. And ensure to include latent semantic indexing on your content keyword implementation so that search engines can discover how a term, a keyword, and content work together to mean the same thing, even in the absence of some few keywords or unable to share related keywords or synonyms.

35. Checked for geo meta tags for local?

Inspect the correct execution of the GEO meta tags on your website. You can browse your meta tags by just right-clicking anywhere on the page and select “View Page Source.” When a new tab appears, say using a Chrome browser (or in Firefox it will pop-out a window), you can find the meta tags on the part of the top or “head” of the page. For your Geo meta tags, Bing search engines support meta tags for local. In the same manner, you can configure a target country inside Google Search Console to set-up your local SEO, and specify the name of the place, global position (latitude and longitude), and region. See the examples below:

<META NAME=”geo.position” CONTENT=”latitude; longitude”>

<META NAME=”geo.placename” CONTENT=”Place Name”>

<META NAME=”geo.region” CONTENT=”Country Subdivision Code”>

Effectively deploy your meta tags by ensuring that you have the focus (primary or main) or the most important keywords for the webpage on your meta description. Write your meta tags legibly and ensure it will be a readable copy. Treat the geo meta tags or meta description as if it’s an advertisement for your webpage – make it as compelling and as relevant as possible.

36. Image sizes, images compressed

Make sure to minimize or compress the image sizes for your website. Check that the dimensions of the original image that you upload to your site can have a significant impact on how it appears to the searches or browser screen. We recommend using images that are between 1500 and 2500 pixels wide. Images smaller than 1500 pixels may appear blurry or pixelated when they stretch to fill containers, such as banners. Most websites on the internet use an image with a dimension of 1024 x 768 pixels or 8 x 6 inches to fit a typical 4:3 screen ratio.

37. Check for the text being used in images

Double-check to minimize words in graphics, and additionally to tune the alt text to its optimum. Most assistive technologies can read the “Alt text” attributes, which helps ensure more of your audience to access your content. To make it holistic, describe on your alt text title and description what additional content the image or graphic contains. Please take note that to prevent missing or to forget the “alt attributes” and or the alt text entirely, track them down. Manually tracking them can be a tedious and challenging task without the aid of automated online tools. You can check how to optimize the text being used in images with Google Webmaster Tools and other online SEO tools such as Ahrefs, Screaming Frog, among others (for free and paid) to view your image alt text, find the missing alt attributes, and alt text on your website.

38. Check for footer issues.

Ensure to check your website’s footer for linking scheme issues as it affects your website navigation. You can find your website footer at the bottom of your site pages. It typically includes important information such as a copyright notice, a disclaimer, or a few links to relevant web resources, especially for your landing pages. Your website footer also contains website technical and legal information. The footer is a visible and out-of-the-way space to share the legal information that many sites are required to display. Ensure your footer can help someone to land on any page on your website and allow them to find what they need within three clicks.

39. Check no follow no index page exclusions

Check whether there are any pages on the website that utilize no index or follow exclusion tags. A noindex indicates Google search engine not to index that page, but it doesn’t mean that the search engines should not follow the links on the page, while a nofollow indicates that search engines also should not follow the links.

40. Check for trailing/ usage in URLs

Configure your website pages on the correct use of trailing slashes. A trailing slash is a forward slash (/) you can see at the end of a URL. This is used to mark a directory, and also, if a URL is not terminated using a trailing slash, it points to a file. Placing a trailing slash (/) at the end of URLs may have potential implications for SEO because search engines like Google don’t always see different URL structures as equivalent. In short, the trailing slash does not matter for your root domain or subdomain as Google does not care whether you use them or not, but your consistency is what matters most for Google search engines to crawl and index your page URLs.

41. Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords in Content (LSI)

Check what the LSI keywords for every page’s target keywords on your website are. Latent semantic indexing or LSI is a system search engines use to analyze the other words that people use on a given related topic. Any LSI keywords are words and phrases that have a high degree of correlation to your target topic. Google’s algorithm these LSI keywords to help ascertain the content quality and content relevance to the search term. You can type your main keyword in Google search and note down all the words displayed by the search results. That would be your list of related keywords and note keyword phrases synonymous with your target topic. If the list has very few keywords, you can repeat the same process with the words displayed by Google. Use your main keyword and an LSI keyword phrase in your meta description so that Google will give you more priority on their search engine indexing.

42. 3rd party tracking

Better reduce the use of third party tracking scripts to improve your page speed and overall website search performance. A third-party script (i.e., third-party JavaScript, etc.) refers to scripts embedded into any site directly from a third-party vendor. These scripts can include ads, analytics, widgets, and other scripts that make the web more dynamic and interactive, such as analytics, metrics, and ad scripts. Should you wish to remove undesirable scripts, you can quickly get rid of them in Google Chrome. Go to the top left part of your browser window, click the gear button or “Settings,” and choose “Extensions.” You will see a list right along with other Chrome extensions that you may have installed. Look for the scripts that you want to remove, then click Uninstall. Use third-party tracking at the least minimum just to allow partners to automatically collect customer information that they can use to optimize their advertising campaigns on your website and for indexing by search engines.

43. Check server uptime stats?

Check how much operational time or uptime the server of your website has. This is a website metric measured in terms of the percentage of web hosting when a web host can provide 99.9% operational or uptime of the system or server. It offers an overall rate when contrasted with the website downtime. Your website’s uptime statistics are the most important metric expressed in total duration, in which the server functions operationally and online. That means the systems or the server will be operational for 99.9% of the time. Check other details and more useful insights on server uptime with Quora.com.

44. Checked for flash usage on the site?

Search engines like Google, Bing, and browsers are phasing out support for Adobe Flash and Silverlight as a result of the numerous security exploits they have. They also identify and minimize the usage of these flash players on many websites. You can check by right-clicking on any part of your website, whether it has a flash player. When you see “zoom in” (at the top of the box) and “About Adobe Flash Player” (at the bottom of the box), it means you know that you have Flash on your website. For the past years, several popular exploit kits have incorporated (i.e., ransomware, etc)  into their exploits. According to a recent Recorded Future analysis, these kits rely heavily on vulnerabilities in Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight to deliver ransomware such as Cryptowall, AlphaCrypt, and TeslaCrypt.

45. Check if there are silos for content?

Ensure that your website’s page contents are constructed in ways to maximize search term relevance, that is also known as a “content silo,” a method of grouping related content to establish the website’s keyword-based topical areas or themes. Content silos are essential to SEO, user readability, and usability because it strengthens the website’s topic and keeps it tightly related and focused in terms of physical and virtual siloing.

46. HTML validates?

Ensure you can check that the HTML validates without serious issues. Meaning, it follows the grammar, vocabulary, and syntax of the HTML language. The HTML validation helps check a web document for HTML errors and assess its markup validity. Use Validator.w3.org for an online markup validation service.

47. Ads are nofollowed

Google wants paid ads to be labeled and set with rel=nofollow to ensure they don’t pass page rank or mislead visitors. The Nofollow attribute or rel=“nofollow” meta tag is a value that can be assigned to the rel attribute of an HTML element. This attribute tells Google, Bing, and other search engines of a “no follow” instruction that a specific outbound link or a hyperlink should not influence the ranking of the link’s target in the SERPs. When a website doesn’t want to pass authority to another webpage or because it’s a paid link, a nofollow attribute is set.

48. Checked for hidden text?

Check if your website is utilizing hidden text on pages. When you see a large area of blank space on a website page, it may signal hidden text. To reveal text that hides because its color matches the page background, you can double-click on seemingly blank space, thereby selecting any text that appears there.

49. Check for user profile links

Ensure that you check and trace the profile account links on the site that are causing problems. These are one of the ways of profile linking back to your site. You need to add your website URLs to the personal, professional, or business profiles that you create on various websites. Make sure that you are also able to link your Analytics accounts to your Google AdWords, MyBusiness, Google Maps, and other high domain sites or directories. When you optimize your user profile links, you are making up and directing traffic to your site. Google favors this kind of link building from a variety of sites, especially from high authority domains.

50. SEO Robot

Perform a diagnostic crawl of the site to determine the status of each URL and configure the search engines to crawl and create reports on your website’s URL status. Set-up your website SEO Robots – meta robots tags & robots.txt, and use Google Search Console Tools & Reports to help you measure your site’s performance for search engine results, fix issues, and improve your Google search results.

51. Check for dynamic parameter order

Ensure that the parameter order of your website URL variables are consistently set-up across your website. Choose Postman by Google, so you can specify the content-type (a header field) as application/ JSON and then provide name-value pairs as parameters. You can also use your URL instead of theirs, simply put a URL parameter. According to Google, it is a way to pass information about a click-through a URL that serves as evidence of a user’s specific click on a page that requires the creation of a dynamic parameter.

52. Favicon and touch icons in use?

Ensure all the icons usually are defined and working. You can declare favicons using the <link> tag, which accepts <link rel=”” type=”” sizes=”” href=””> to define the relationship between the HTML document and the linked element. This can be used to link stylesheets, among others. You can also enable touch icons on your website to allow mobile users to bookmark the web page to their home screen. You can provide a special icon to be used in these cases, which is the same as your favorite icon or favicon. Setting-up the image to use as a “touch icon” depends on the browser or device that your users may be using, so make sure that it is compatible with theirs.

53. Cross-linking sister sites?

Check if your website cross-links to multiple private sites that you own together (or a sister or affiliate) to prevent the primary risk of their forming something like a link wheel, pyramid, or another similar scheme. You can use long-tail keywords in your content, and build an offer across that chosen Keyword. From this, you can generate a lead capture page so that people can get more information related to the topic they are looking for. Cross-linking allows users to reference sites with content similar to what they are already viewing and may be of further interest to them.

54. Popups or popovers in use?

You have to list where, how it works, and how you utilize these popups and popovers on your website. Ensure that the website does not overutilize or in an annoying way. It means that these popups or popovers, or any secondary content on your website, is not related in any way to the product, the brand, and customer experience that can negatively impact SEO status on Google. When you properly utilize these popups or popovers on your website, it can increase your social media following, answer frequent customer questions, promote your content such as an ebook, conduct a survey, and grow your email list.

55. Website use staging servers? Does Google index them?

Make sure that staging servers are not being indexed publicly. If they are indexed publicly, it could lead to duplicate content issues, or they could be perceived as thin content. Use Google’s Webmaster Tools to assess your popups and popovers.

56. Breadcrumbs properly implemented?

Ensure that your website executes breadcrumbs that are a secondary navigation system that shows a user’s location in a site or web app. Ensure that you organize your web pages and content logically. It can also help users to find higher-level pages faster if they landed on your site through search.

57. Are any pages more than three clicks away from the home page?

Assess the website can transfer any more than three user clicks, links, and redirects and hardly any page rank to the intended web page. It is a common notion that users of a website should find the information they need within three mouse clicks. Yes, the 3-click rule is commonly believed as part of a good website design and website navigation system. Critics of this rule suggest that the clicks’ success or information sent is more important than the number of clicks. It is best, however, that the longer the user stays (and keeps on coming back) on the web pages, the more beneficial it is for the website to rank its pages, improve conversion rates, and satisfy the user with a safe browsing experience.

58. Does the site use a common theme?

Inspect the website’s use of a common theme or a style that is widely used by most sites on the internet, as this may add to content duplication issues or problems. A common theme is typically any theme common to creative works sharing a common creator or genre, and a main subject or topic in a discussion or body of work such as on a website theme. A content management system or CMS of the website usually has them plugins or apps. You can start checking the front-end segment of your website, just right-click your browser web page and click “View page source” or similar instruction. Check the CSS file directory names, search for “‘wp-content/themes/” for example, see what the preceding theme name is, search for that name in your preferred search engine (Google, Bing, etc.).

59. Images are web optimized?

Ensure that you optimize images of your website as this type of content affects page speed and overall site performance significantly. Images with larger sizes can slow down your web pages and create a low-quality user experience. Optimize your website images to mainly compress or reduce their file size and resolution using website CMS plugins, scripts, and SEO tips for image optimization that speeds up page loading time.

60. Does the mobile site require mouseover events?

Check whether the mobile website depends on mouseover events, as it may confuse users when they get stuck due to mouseover or hover buttons. Using a hover effect on mobile apps causes buttons to stay stuck in the hovered state when tapped. This stickiness not only confuses users but frustrates them as well. When they are forced to double-tap buttons to initiate the desired action when they click the mouse button while the cursor hovers a link, it presses down on the link to activate it.

61. Actual Page Size Calculated?

Check the total page size or page weight of the webpage as it affects render time. This dimension includes all assets, including the tag manager, and the third party includes.With web pages, page weight refers to the overall size of a particular web page. A Page weight of any webpage affects the amount of memory needed, and space used when running programs on the website. This common occurrence on actual page weights shocks many people to learn that their total web page weight is often 5, 10, or more megabytes per page.

62. Any pages driven by AJAX?

Check if any webpage on your website is driven by AJAX, as it can be impossible or difficult for Google to crawl. The Asynchronous JavaScript and XML or AJAX create fast and dynamic web pages allowing it to update asynchronously by exchanging small data bits with the server at the backend of your website. However, Google only has a limited ability to explore AJAX sites. The benefit of Ajax on your site is it can allow a leaner usability option. AJAX can update one part or several parts of a web page without repainting all other parts or reloading the entire webpage.

63. Check for session IDs

Check whether session IDs show up in URLs and the need to use session IDs to the site which web server (of the website you visit) generates and store on the browser in the form of cookies, form fields, or URLs. To obtain the values, press F12 to open the developer console. In the console window, click “Cache Menu” and choose cookie information to open a new page with a list of cookies. You have to find the item with the name PHPSESSID, copy the values next to “VALUE” which is your session ID.

64. Web Server compression enabled

Ensure that your web server has a compression set up. Check whether your website (and the server that hosts your site) enables a gzip set-up by connecting to your domain and requesting the necessary information. Compression allows your webserver to provide smaller file sizes which load faster for your website users. When your website has enabled its gzip compression, you are able to implement a standard practice to improve your web pages that are likely slower than your competitors. You can configure your apache configuration and add the extensions you want to compress. Also, you can add the website’s htaccess file in the site root. You can use Giftospeed.com tools for your compression test.

65. Are subdomains being used?

Check your website for the appropriate configuration or proper use of any subdomains for tracking purposes. You should use subdomains if there is content that is distinct from the rest of the site. You can use subdomains to rank for different keywords, target a specific market, or reach a different location or serve a language other than that of your main website. Subdirectories are files found under your primary domain. Use moz.com SEO tools to configure your subdomain.

66. Checked for redirect chains

Check your URL Accuracy and clean up redirects that lead to other redirects. Identify the redirect chain’s length and list the URLs it contains. Use EvolvingSEO Tool to find and fix redirect chain issues or problems.

67. URL structure is in the native language

Ensure that URLs for alternate language variants and support of web pages are in the local language. Plan the configuration of your website’s multilingual configuration for the target countries as it may vary from your native country. Consider the target languages that your audience speaks and make sure to address it with a content translation method. Aligning your SEO metadata into those languages to make it easy for your target audience to find your website over the internet.

68. Check for default index document names

See to it that the index.html on your website is showing up in the Web address as it should be. Your index.html is your website’s index page or URL or local file that loads when a web browser starts and when a user presses a browser’s ‘home’ button. When you access your website, it will look for an index.php or index.html file in its root folder “/public_html.” In case those files are missing, you will only see the “index of /” page instead.

69. Identify copyrights

Make sure to check and correctly apply a copyright mark to your website. You can do it by moving your cursor to the place on your web page where you want the symbol to appear. Select the option “Insert | Characters, and Symbols” from the menu, and then click “Common Symbols” radio box in the dialog box that appears, if not already selected. Your website graphics, images, content, and visual elements must have been copyrighted during its website development. So, putting the copyright mark on the bottom of a site indicates that all web content and displayed material can only be used with the site owner’s permission.

70. Get more backlinks out of GSC

Every time you download the links from Google Search Console GSC, Google refreshes the list. You can generate a list of links from GSC for your website as well as export external links and save the link data as a CSV file or open it in Google Docs. You can import it into searchVIU, so that it can be used to check the status of your linked pages on your Development website.

71. Checked Doc type is HTML5

Ensure that the web site uses a modern HTML version, and to check the website’s HTML version or web application, you can simply view the source code of the site (normally CTR+U ) and look at the Doctype on top of any other code, this looks like the HTML5 Doctype declaration.

72. Checked error page handling?

Inspect that error web pages a dead end, or an opportunity to display more products. The method “checked exceptions” is checked at compile-time and provides a “checked exception” that should handle the exception using a try-catch block approach. It can also declare the exception with the use of a keyword. Otherwise, the program will throw a compilation error after checking the pages. Checked error page handling helps in both hardware and software errors and supports its execution to resume when interrupted. While, for software error handling, it needs to develop the necessary codes to handle these errors or make use of software tools.

73. HTTP Expires Headers

Check for proper configuration of the webserver caching. Expires headers allow browsers to know whether to serve a cached version of a page, reduce server load, speed up a page load time, lead to a high-value cost-benefit ratio, and provide the access needed. Check more details on HTTP expires headers at GTMetric.com.

74. Weak SSL Ciphers

Look for and turn off any weak SSL ciphers that are permitted by the webserver. Make sure to define a weak cipher as an encryption/ decryption algorithm to identify and use a key of insufficient length. Using an insufficient length for a key in an encryption/ decryption algorithm opens up the possibility (or probability) that the encryption scheme could be broken (i.e., cracked).

75. Check the topic hierarchy

Check the topic hierarchy and make sure that content is siloed correctly on your website. A content siloing is a method of grouping related content together to put in place the website’s keyword-based topical areas or themes for better SEO and usability. When content siloing is done, it will strengthen the website’s hierarchy of topics and keep its content structure tightly related and focused.

76. Is the website using a CDN

It is good if your website uses a content distribution network or CDN to host static resources. Just ensure you have access in situations that images and resources require tuning. A CDN enables the quick transfer of resources needed to load internet content such as images, videos, HTML pages, and stylesheets. Your CDN will store copies of these resources or web pages on its globally distributed network of servers for ease of access and proximity that is closest to the user browsing your internet files. A CDN can recognize various malware patterns and prevent your website from web hackers. Double-check with your hosting provider, when you have a Hosted CDN on the technical side.

77. Site tested with Google’s mobile testing tool?

Have you checked whether your website is mobile friendly? If not, then test your site using Google’s mobile testing program Mobile-Friendly Test. The test can determine how easily a visitor can use a page of your website on a mobile device.

78. Check JS frameworks used

Document the JavaScript (JS) libraries being utilized by your website. A JavaScript library is a pre-written JavaScript framework that allows easier development of JavaScript-based applications, especially for AJAX and other web-centric technology sites. Check your website’s JS framework, such as D3.js, jQuery, jQuery UI, Parsley, QUnit, React, Angular, and Ember.js.

79. Check for print version links

Ensure that print version URLs are correctly applied, so they do not cause duplicate content problems. Use Google Chrome Developer Tools – Check My Link Options to find all the links on your web page quickly, and check each one for you. It highlights which ones are valid and which ones are broken. You can also copy all bad links to your clipboard with one click!

80. Check average URL lengths?

How does the common URL length on the website compare to ranking competitors? Make sure your website URLs are all preferable when your URL is less than 50-60 characters already, nothing to worry at all. However, if you have URLs pushing 80+ or 100+ characters, there’s probably an opportunity to rewrite them and gain value for your SEO linking and prevent its negative impacts from happening to your ranking. The shorter, the better, as shorter ones tend to rank better than long URLs.

81. Site uses lazy load?

Ensure that your website is lazy loading lists of data, so you don’t transfer content that’s never seen. Lazy loading or asynchronous loading, especially for images, indicates that loading images on websites after the “above-the-fold content” of a webpage on your website is fully loaded. Lazy-loaded content only appears in the browser’s viewport as the user is scrolling down to it. Hence, if there is no scroll down, images placed at the bottom of the page won’t even load to the browser’s viewport.

82. Wikipedia Citations

Inspect the web site’s Wikipedia pages to ensure the citation of original sources of Wikipedia contents. Wikipedia is a secondary source of information and may not be reliable at that point in time. Anyone can edit Wikipedia information at any time. Ensure that you inspect your website of any Wikipedia citation, verify its verity, and follow the citation standard.

83. Checked for meta robots issues

Verify if the meta robots tag is being utilized correctly in the document source. Meta robots tag tells search engines such as Google and Bing what to follow and what not to follow. It is a piece of code in the <head> section of your webpage. It’s a simple code that gives you the power to decide about what pages you want to hide from search engine crawlers and what pages you want them to index and look at.

84. Checked for broken links?

Check your website for broken links and continuously monitor your site for broken links using Google Search Console. First, log in to your Google Search Console account, and click the site you want to check for broken links, click crawl, and then click Fetch as Google. After Google crawls the site, to access the results click Crawl, and then click Crawl Errors.

85. Checked for doorway pages?

Ensure that the website is using doorway pages and that it can rank the website highly for specific search queries. Doorway sites or pages are bad for users because they can lead to multiple similar pages in user search results. When each search result ends up, it brings the user to essentially the same destination, and it does a deliberate manipulation of search on your website.

86. Is URL rewriting being used?

You have to document the circumstances where URL rewriting is being used on the website. Check this out at Addedbytes.com

87. Check CSS frameworks used

List the CSS resources being utilized by the website. Check its CSS frameworks such as the collection of CSS stylesheets that are prepared and ready to use, which are tailored for use in common situations, like setting up navigation bars, and are often expanded upon by other technologies such as SASS and JavaScript.

88. Check for too many remote includes

Large third-party resources can cause website instability as web page rendering could be blocked if any of them or a mixture of these contents has trouble responding. Mixed content degrades the security and user experience of your website. Using these resources, an attacker can often take complete control over the page with too many remote includes, not just the compromised resource.”

89. Check for reciprocal links

Check that the website is engaging in reciprocal linking schemes. When your website has a reciprocal link, it has established a link with other sites (webmaster) to make a hyperlink within their website to your site and vice-versa. Generally, reciprocal links provide readers with quick access to related sites or to show a partnership between two sites.

90. Checked for unused 3rd party code?

Look for includes that are not needed for the website or organization to operate correctly. Check for parts of your website that may become opportunities for removing unnecessary code or unused 3rd party code. It can be easy for codes and unused scripts to build up over time, and so it’s essential to verify the code you are using to make sure it’s still necessary.

91. Checked for external dofollow links?

List the consumption of dofollow links exiting the website. Do follow links are an HTML attribute that is used to allow search bots to follow the links. You need to right-click on the link and choose “Inspect” in Chrome. Once you can do that, a window will appear on the right side of your browser with a highlighted link HTML. Then, check to see if the rel=“nofollow” attribute is specified in the code.

92. Check for SC: popular content?

Verify whether the website offers popular content suggestions. These are Success Criterion or SC, which help people who rely on assistive technologies that read content aloud following a correct reading sequence. The meaning evident in the information sequencing in the default presentation is similar to the material is presented in spoken form.

93. Check for infinite crawl issues

Investigate the website’s pagination, which affects at the same time your redirects, filters, sorts, and click tracking for endless crawl problems. A lot of functions ranging from displaying items on category pages to article archives to gallery slideshows, forum threads, among others, use site pagination. If mishandled, it can leave a poor, thin content, cause duplication problems, and can even dilute your website ranking. The site must contain anchor links with href attributes to these paginated URLs. Ensure your site uses <a href=”your-paginated-URL-here”> for internal linking to paginated pages. Please don’t load paginated anchor links or href attributes via JavaScript.

94. rel=alternate to indicate mobile versions of pages

Ensure that bidirectional annotations are executed correctly between desktop and mobile URL variants on your website. See to it that on the desktop page, you add a rel=”alternate” tag that points to the corresponding mobile URL as this helps Googlebot discover the location of your site’s mobile pages. Also, on the mobile page, you add a rel=”canonical” tag that points to the corresponding desktop URL.

95. Checked for Google and Bing image sitemaps?

Validate or create the image sitemaps for your website. Generate Sitemap with the site’s URLs for later upload to your Google Search Console (GSC) Profile. Create your Sitemap, an XML file that lists the URLs for your website images. The image sitemap information helps Google discover images that we might not find (such as images on your site that reached with JavaScript code) and allows you to indicate images on your site that you want Google to index. Creating a sitemap helps prevent your webserver from being weighed down, serving large files such as images and graphics. So better check your Sitemap thoroughly before you submit it to google after you generate your Image Sitemap, upload, and test it with the URL versions in your GSC profile. Remember to create your sitemap to contain those URLs, and you need to double-check the sequential order of your webpages and their URLs. Do each URL in your Sitemap correctly and ensure that the Sitemap is error-free. You can create your sitemap in Bing by advertising it in your robots.txt file using a Sitemap: directive. You can also ping Bing using an HTTP request, and from inside your Bing Webmaster Tools account, either directly from the Sitemap widget on your site’s Dashboard or from within the full-fledged sitemaps feature.

96. Check for all indexed subdomains

Create a list of all the intended subdomains and then audit against the subdomains found in the search results. Start your checks with “site:” and the root domain. One by one, remove each subdomain (including “www”) from the results with the “-inurl:” operator. Once all done, and there are no more results for Google to return, your query with the search operators should include all subdomains indexed.

97. Pages don’t query mixed secure/insecure assets.

Be sure that none of the website’s web pages may mix – secure and insecure assets. The reason you see the “Not Secure” warning is because the web page or website you are visiting is not providing a secure connection. When your Chrome browser connects to a website, it can either use the HTTP (insecure) or HTTPS (secure).

98. Check your website with mobile emulation

Enable network connection and mobile emulation and then test the website. When an emulator connects through the generic networking capabilities of an operating system, it can configure your website’s test environment. Utilize Chrome for this using its Developer Tools to simulate mobile devices of your website’s mobile version.

99. Check for Ajax Usage

Catalog site’s uses of web services and AJAX, as this is your first step to detect compatibility, security, and vulnerability issues of your website. Use Ajax to update your webpage for a maximum compatibility check, and Websocket object if you want full usage of Ajax while exchanging bits of information and interacting fully with your website’s server.

100. Is your site linking to related sites?

Check if your site is linking to related websites. You can try it by clicking any website on the list to see the individual web pages to which they connect, and how many times they do the linking. Click on any of these web pages to see the referring pages from which the target website is linking. You can also check your backlink in Google Search Console to show your top linked pages.

101. Checked for consistent use of capitalization in URL usage?

The capitalization in URL usage may not be a concern, but consistency is always best when using your website URL. Class-naming standards dictate to capitalize on the acronyms in class names, such as the case of URL. This means proper capitalization of the class DrupalCoreUrl. So when documentation refers to Url objects, it should not modify the appropriate capitalization.

102. Optimal URL formatting used?

Be sure the web site is using consistent and optimal URL formatting. Keep it short and straightforward, as useful URLs are simple, concise, and direct. Ensure you aren’t filling your URL with irrelevant or unnecessary words or characters. When needed for readability, you can use hyphens “-” to separate words on your URL instead and do not use underscores, spaces, and other characters to separate words on your URL. Please do not keyword stuff because having the same keyword in your URL more than once won’t do you any good.

103. Are desktop versions canonical to mobile?

You have to ensure consistent canonicalization of every URL either to desktop or mobile versions of your website. Canonicalize every page with your meta tag without exception. Place your canonical tag, which is a page-level meta tag in the HTML header of your webpage. Your meta tag will indicate to the search engines which URL is the canonical version of the page being displayed.

104. Proper Doctype and encoding type used?

Make sure to properly set the document type and character encoding on your website. Only encode ASCII characters with a single byte in UTF-8, as this is the widely-used way to represent Unicode text in web pages. Though there are other possible ways of encoding Unicode characters, You should always use UTF-8 when creating your web pages and databases. Learn more on the proper way of the Doctype Declaration and Declaring character encoding in HTML.

105. Check for content being duplicated from one page to the next?

Search the site for content being duplicated in boilerplate fashion. If a search engine claims to make the Web searchable, it must provide some means for searching boilerplate content or repeated content that helps identify which site you are actually looking at. A boilerplate or boilerplate text can be reused in new contexts or applications without significant changes to the original version. Boilerplate refers to statements, contracts, and computer code that the media uses to refer to hackneyed or unoriginal writing.

106. Checked for unusual redirects: 302, 307, meta refresh, JS redirects

Check your web pages that it appropriately uses the type of previously problematic redirects. Check for your redirects and status code for accuracy – 301 versus 302, meta refresh, javascript redirects, etc. Do the checking via https://redirectcheck.com.

107. Checked font usage for both unused fonts and inconsistencies?

Be minimal and consistent with font usage by keeping your Website Fonts at a minimum. You have to limit the number of font families to a minimum of 1-2 fonts (one is often sufficient, and two is plenty). Stick to the same fonts in use all through the entire website. If you do use more than one font, ensure the font families complement each other based on their character width.

108. Reclaim 404 Error links

Reclaim orphaned backlinks by redirecting 404s to appropriate webpages, and performing this. Execute routine crawls and fix broken links on your website. Set up a 404 report in analytics and monitor for any recurring errors that may be affecting the usability. Resolve 404s in Google Search Console. Finally, set up 301 redirects when necessary.

109. Link protocols adapt for HTTPS access

Be sure that links in the web site match the canonical URL of the page. You have to configure your server, and use rel=”canonical” Use your HTTPS headers rather than HTML tags, as it will indicate the canonical URL for non-HTML documents such as PDF files. Google supports this method for web search results only. Indicate the canonical URL for each of your pages and submit them in a sitemap.

110. Check For Bad Bots

Check whether robots are causing issues on your website. Use Test your robots.txt with the robots.txt Tester in Google Search Console Help for guidance, and scroll through the tools and follow the activities that it will share.

111. SSL certs are valid

Check that all of the website’s SSL certificates are valid and are not set to expire rapidly. Use SSL Shopper – SSL Checker to help you get a quick diagnosis of problems with your SSL certificate installation.

112. Analyzed site’s redirection usage?

List the circumstances when the site is using redirects. You can check this by typing a URL into your browser or clicking on a link to send a request for the page to the server of the website for any redirect needs. When you use a redirect, you are specifying an instruction that a redirect is automatically re-routing to a different page when the request hits the server. Know which type of redirection is in use to your website. You can use Redirect Checker by internetofficer.com.

113. Checked for chained redirects?

Stay away from redirects and especially try to avoid daisy chains of redirects. Make sure to check your redirects that these are not making it difficult for search engines to crawl your site, which affects the indexing of your webpages. When you mishandle your website redirects, it can slow down your site’s load speed, thus hurting your user experience and can negatively impact your rankings in the Search Engine Result Pages or SERPs.

114. Identify trademarks registered and issued

Ensure that you consistently label and list trademarks you use on your website. The trademark law protects a business’s commercial identity or brand. The use of the trademark symbol discourages other businesses from using a name or logo that is “confusingly similar” to an existing trademark. Using the trademark allows consumers to quickly identify the producers of goods and services and avoid confusion. Use the trademark symbol when you first use the mark or the most prominent use of the mark. The repeated use of the trademark symbol becomes cluttered.

115. Identify HTML entity usage

Check that your website correctly applies the HTML code entities? A lot of mathematical, technical, and currency symbols are not present on a normal keyboard, which affects the encoding of correct entities on your HTML code. To add such symbols to an HTML page, you can use an HTML entity name, and if no entity name exists, you can use an entity number, a decimal, or hexadecimal reference instead. You can refer to these HTML Entities for the correct character sets, which will display correctly in all browsers.

116. Site is not responsive or missing a mobile version?

Guarantee that your website is responsive for mobile devices. A responsive website can change the desktop layout to mobile version to offer an experience based on the browsing method or device being used that is ideal for mobile viewing. When your website becomes a mobile responsive website, it includes design elements such as a readable text without requiring having to zoom as well as having adequate spaces for tap targets. You can put together a responsive website design to enable the automatic scaling of your website content to match any screen size on which it is viewed. It keeps images from being larger than the screen width and prevents visitors from mobile devices to do extra work in reading your content and prevent them from bailing out.

117. Hreflang and rel=alternate for translations

Adequately put in place the bidirectional annotations for alternate language versions of your website pages. Your annotations should be self-referential, and a page should use rel-alternate-hreflang annotation linking to itself. Use this annotation link in combination with the media attribute, rel=”alternate,” to connect to a version of the current document, the specified device, and the medium that the media attribute indicates. The rel attribute defines the relationship from the reference resource of the linked material. In most cases, this resource will simply be “ stylesheet,“ and “the referenced document is a style sheet.”

118. Check for Success Criterion: similar content?

Does the web site supply similar suggestions to understand the web content accessibility guidelines or WCAG for success criteria in providing text alternatives for non-text content and time-base media (i.e., audio and video). In short, providing perceivable accessibility of that text can be converted to other forms that people with disabilities can use as a practical resource. This practical resource can include the use of a screen reader, zoomed in, or represented on a braille display. Non-text content refers to multimedia such as images, audio, and video that need perceivable suggestions of similar information or content, the intent of the Success Criterion (SC) on similar content. To make non-text content convey such information and make it accessible through the use of a text alternative through any sensory modality (i.e., visual, auditory, or tactile) to match the needs of a particular user.

119. Optimal title used?

Ensure that web page titles are correctly tuned and unique not only on the website but over the web. When you optimize a title tag, it matches your website keywords with what is searched for by search engines as long as the perceived intent is the focus of the content of a webpage. Optimizing a website for search enables embedded messages with meta & title tags to impact on the search engines to determine what is found on the page for indexing. These meta tags are text snippets that describe the optimal page content.

120. Website technology stack checked?

Check all the parts of the website’s technology stack. The BuiltWith Chrome Extension allows you to determine what a website is built with by simply clicking on the BuiltWith icon! BuiltWith returns all the technologies it can get on the page upon looking up a page of your websites such as lead generation, internet technology trends, market share, competitive analysis, and business or sales intelligence.  BuiltWith is a website profiler tool that provides technology adoption, e-commerce data, and usage of analytics for the internet.

121. Site navigation crawl issues

Check if bot issues are occurring with the site’s navigation, especially for the bad bots that bring fake or bogus traffic to your website. These bot issues may include malicious intent such as stealing valuable data, content/ price scraping, spam comments, phishing links, distorting web analytics and damaging SEO, etc. You can detect if an account is fake by checking out the profile. You can quickly notice a rude bot as it lacks a photo, a link, or any bio. In contrast, more sophisticated ones might use a photo stolen from the web, or an automatically generated account name. Please stop bots from crawling your website on parts that you don’t want to appear in search engines, as blocking all bots will prevent the site from being indexed.

122. Check for browsable directory roots

Ensure to configure your website to prevent it from accidentally revealing the directory listings and source code. When this scenario happens, something is wrong somewhere on your website. You can resolve this issue by checking that your website has a backup site file, upload it, and the site should restore and display as it once did. Also, you can download a new version of the base site files if your website uses a Content Management System (CMS) such as WordPress or Joomla. When you can upload the missing data or files to your server, and as soon as you replace the lost data or files, expect the site to load again. You may also access your domain’s control panel and look for the website root directory, click the File Manager folder to view the root directory inside.

123. Check frame and iframe usage?

Try to check and avoid utilizing iframes and frames on your site as much as possible. These iframes may bring security risks as your site may get a submittable malicious web form that can be phishing your users’ data. However, iframe adds flexibility to the page context as they’re a reliable way to separate content onto several pages. It is useful to “sandbox” internal pages into an iframe so that poor/ missing markup will not affect the main page. An inline frame or iframe is just one “box,” and you can place it anywhere on your site. An iframe does not frame any website and does not affect SEO. Frames are a bunch of ‘boxes’ that are put together to make one site with many pages, and it is part of a frameset, which means more layout problems.

124. Optimal meta keywords used?

A lot of people believe that meta keywords are pointless. It continues to be a great place to keep an eye on the optimal key phrase for each page even though Google doesn’t use it. Also, it is a white hat or organic way to generate and get one more keyword match in the webpage source.

125. Are multiple sites using the same GA code?

Check your website for overlapping Google Analytics tracking codes. You can enable your site with multiple analytics tags to send data to various properties in your account. You can use multiple tags that can be useful if users with access to different properties need to see data from your website or its multiple versions. Not all configurations are supported, though. You can check Google Analytics Help Center to learn more ways to install multiple tags on web pages effectively.

126. Site checked for cloaking and keyword stuffing

Check the website for cloaked content and keyword stuffing. Keywords Stuffing loads a webpage with keywords or numbers in an attempt to manipulate a site’s ranking in Google search results. While cloaking is a search engine optimization (SEO) technique that indicates the content to the search engine spider differs from what is shown to the user’s browser. In some cases, clocked content may have elements without substantial added value. Cloaking sways search engines to give the site a higher ranking. It can vary to a block of text that lists data such as cities, states, and phone numbers on a web page trying to rank on search engines.

127. Webserver caching enabled

Ensure to configure your website’s web server has its caching set-up properly. You need to check whether your page serves cached pages. A page cache functions to save dynamic pages, which subsequently serves the pre-generated (cached) page that leads to server load and site loading time (by avoiding the re-loading and execution of PHP scripts) reduction. Check your Page Caching or Server Side Caching using this SEO Site Check-up Tool. You can use standard caching methods such as ZenCache, WP Rocket.

128. Check for HTTPS only being used in parts of the site

Make sure that HTTPS is being applied persistently across the complete website. Check the URLs of your website, whether it begins with “https” instead of “http” as the former means the website is secured. When you have an HTTPs website, it enables encryption of all your data when it passes through your browser and to the website’s server.

129. Check Page File Sizes

How big are the pages? What’s the fully loaded page weight? When you measure the weight of a web page seems so simple, yet, waiting for the page to finish loading can add up the size of its web resources. A page may load its initial linked resources quickly, but what happens next after the initial page load. You can resize and compress your images, use CSS sprites, and remove unnecessary custom fonts or minimize resources to improve your page file sizes or weight.

130. Check for recent re-designs or URL changes

Verify if there is any proof of recent URL changes or redesigns on your website. There may be numerous fractions that are altered during a redesign, including codes and pages. These fractions can negatively impact your website’s SEO and affect the long-term growth of the site if not appropriately handled. If done correctly, however, redesigning a website can also increase your SEO strength.


You need to discover the importance of these Technical Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips as well as those not listed here by deciding which of these Website SEO strategies, techniques, or best practices that you should begin focusing on to help boost your business or website’s overall performance. The search engines must have found, crawl, and indexed your website correctly – that is when you put these technical SEO tips into practice. We have prepared and customized this technical SEO list so you can adapt and ensure a better web page speed, an error-free website, and other benefits that technical SEO can help you to keep your site to impact on search engine result pages and from effectively streaming its online visibility.

This array of the best technical SEO techniques is making sure your website or business is legitimate to provide safe and great user browsing experience and be eligible for that first SEO step from the starting line towards a continuous SEO optimization journey.