Simple techniques for optimizing your website content and how SEO works for you.

What is SEO?

A common question that we hear the most from those who want to learn Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Those aspiring SEO Professionals, those who are new to SEO, and those who seek to understand better “What is SEO” and “How SEO works” toward their desired success. This guide for the SEO Basics will serve as a comprehensive checklist, especially for beginners, to provide the most recent SEO best practices we have prepared for you.

How SEO Works

SEO is an approach of optimizing your website to get “white hat,” organic, or unpaid, site traffic from the search engine results page or SERP of Google, Bing, among others. Search Engine Optimization is a hot item when it comes to the evolution of digital content development and online marketing. With millions of SEO resources online, knowing what is SEO and how it works in the real sense can become a needle in a haystack but an exciting challenge to take on in this new normal environment.

Google search engine optimization may require not just basic SEO to indicate to search engine crawlers that they can index your website content. Eventually, rank your website high on search engine result pages or SERPs. Having the SEO basics will help you understand how SEO works, and make a lasting impact on your digital presence.

Here are a few SEO basics:

  • Create your website within a defined logical content structure.
  • Keep your site free of broken pages and links.
  • Make sure every page has an enticing meta title and description.
  • Get citations by listing your business in relevant places on the web.
  • Polish your written copy for planning and execution purposes.

SEO works as a solid foundation of your SEO strategy, telling your users of your SEO value proposition they can regard as a search engine friendly and user friendly website.

SEO Techniques To Start With

SEO may seem easier than you think, but how SEO works needs a more in-depth familiarity, so better not underestimate it! SEO may not be that complicated as it is quite simple. But it is what you need for effective content optimization at a lesser or efficient use of your resources, especially your time and effort. You need to consider the amount of time and effort as your primary take-off point on this search engine optimization challenge.

When you start your SEO content optimization right, you will end up optimizing your website content right for your advantage. Better take your notes as you tour on these proven SEO techniques that you can integrate into your content optimization strategy. Familiarize and internalize how SEO works and simplify it into tidbits of relevant SEO information.

Breaking down SEO key components to simplify how SEO works for your content optimization strategy to ease-up and organize your understanding. Doing this can allow you to adapt what SEO to your SEO Plan quickly. There are five components or types of SEO that you can direct your focus. You need these key SEO components to establish a well-rounded organic search engine optimization strategy.

1. On-page SEO

A practice of optimizing each page of a website to rank higher on SERPs and drive more relevant sustainable traffic in search engines. On-page SEO is optimizing both the content and HTML source code of a page, as opposed to off-page SEO that refers to links and other external signals. Here’s how On-Page SEO works:

  • Get into optimizing your web pages for ‘search intent.’ Increase the ‘topical relevance’ of your web pages to ease Google’s indexing. Keep your content simple and readable
  • Make your page load fast to match queries from searchers avoiding bad user experience quickly. Searchers of your website are quick to hit the back button on pages that are slow-loading and take it too long to load their search. When this happens, people may cease to visit your page even if you rank #1 on SERPs. You can improve page speed, check your web page in Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool.
  • Position your target keyword in the title, meta description, and H1 tags. Build your page as your SEO cornerstone by telling search engine crawlers of the keywords you are targeting. Use descriptive alt tags to optimize images and image file names, al-text, and alt-text descriptions.
  • Use short descriptive URLs to make your page searchable, making searchers more likely to click search results for the best match of their search query.
  • Use Schema markup to increase click-through rates (CTR) when necessary. Schema markup helps search engines to understand better what your page is about.

On-page SEO, when done right, can fulfill search intent and give searchers what they want. It would be worth it if you pull that off, optimizing your “optimization” to increase your ranking and clickability. Most importantly, your On-page SEO will take the lead influence role among other SEO components discussed below to make search engine optimization worth the time, effort, and money that you invest in generating high-quality website content.

2. Off-page SEO

Off-page SEO is an approach of optimizing the outside search factors relevant to your website authority and trust visibility. Also known as “off-site SEO” that comprises actions taken outside of your website to impact the website’s rankings within search engine results pages. Off-page SEO generally refers to “backlink” building and other external signals that can drive traffic to your website. Here are a few essential Off-page SEO key steps that can help ease your website’s external pain points:

  • Can harness your website’s branding and audience awareness
  • Syndicate a high-authority domain and social media collaboration. You can add an RSS feed subscription box to connect to your communities, visitors, and potential customers.
  • Deal with the effective handling of reviews and blog comments on your site to connect with reliable third-party domains.
  • Bridge flow of signals to search engine crawlers and humans of the high-quality website content you have.
  • Make use of your guest posts, forums posting while it is still hot to build trust.

Off-Page SEO can tell Google and other search engines what others think and experience about your site. When you have built valuable links pointing to your web pages, search engines prioritize the indexing of your high-quality website content. Off-page SEO is the type that provides SEO value for search engine bots and humans.

3. Link building

Link building is a content King in regard to being an integral part of your Off-page SEO. It has to bank on your best SEO toolset for backlinking and SEO analysis. Your SEO analysis should also come regularly as part of your On-page SEO, and Off-page SEO audits to provide you prompt SEO insights.

There are numerous Site Audit tools that you can choose from to analyze your website or your clients for common SEO issues, monitor your SEO health on time. Conducting a periodic assessment of your site can test, signal, and position your SEO strategy in a vantage point whenever a content optimization arises. You can put in place SEO alerts to keep you notified of new & lost backlinks, web mentions, and keywords rankings.

Google and other search engines can account for many off-page factors when deciding when to index and rank your website pages. Links are one of those factors, but you need to sync your backlinking with many other off-page SEO techniques. Off-Page SEO, for that reason, is challenging and interesting to rank on the merit of your content alone, but on the quality over quantity of your backlinks, and the totality of your SEO strategy.

4. SEO Content

Make your site attractive and useful by having high-quality content. Create content that compels your website’s integrity and will likely influence your users and potential customers more than any of the other SEO content or content optimization discussed here. Users would know what is SEO content in a real sense when they see it (such as business information on e-commerce sites) and will likely want to refer other users to it, thereby giving your site a continuous flow of search traffic. Include the following SEO content insights that you can integrate into your SEO Plan – the very first content you need to have – before you proceed on any of these SEO components.

  • Effective SEO content should be organically in sync with website landing pages, blog posts, social media platforms, email, community forums, or other means. Likewise, organic SEO builds the reputation of your website with both humans and Google search engine crawlers – and it comprises most often into high-quality SEO content.
  • Make sure to understand your reader’s ability to understand what they expect from your website content for a product or service and any business information that can satisfy their search queries. Enrich your keywords using organic or “White Hat” SEO to match with a lasting SEO technique any website visitor or user might search for to find that piece of search-query or business information from your SEO content.
  • Anticipating the possible differences in the search preference as your end in mind while creating or writing your content.
  • Using the right mix of keyword phrases can produce positive matches to search results and behavior by both humans and bots. Google Ads,,, and other online SEO tools can best provide a handy Keyword Planner. Google Search Console can generate you with the top search engine queries your site appears for most leads you need to optimize and convert into your sales productivity.
  • Only create fresh new content, unique or original, and useful SEO content such as your distinct research, publish exciting news stories about your website or business information. Make use of your SEO content and web resources such as your Google My Business information, Google Map, Google Ads, business directory listings, and other SEO content of your choosing. Make these SEO factors as your leverage that other sites may lack the resources or expertise to do these things.

Write easy-to-read text, as well as incorporate SEO optimized videos and images. Feel how real user experience can best meet the desirable search-query experience that your visitors expect from your website content. Create or write your SEO content to easily convince your audience and allow them to follow your website content easily.

5. Technical SEO

How SEO works and achieves sustained success depends on how your Technical SEO works to improve the technical or backend aspects. It optimizes all of the backend settings of the website. When done correctly, your technical SEO can increase the chances of your website content pages in the indexing of search engine crawlers. The interest over time for technical SEO is increasing significantly as part of an on-page SEO that focuses on improving elements on the website to improve its rankings locally or globally over the internet. How SEO works for your website can be best specified in your SEO strategy.

You can consider these technical SEO tips as your starting point:

  • Assess your site SEO status. Identify search engine crawl errors that can mean Google has encountered trouble when indexing a page on your website.
  • Optimize the URLs of your website for search engine bots and humans.
  • Find the factors by which Google views your content pages. Get the pages found and preserve link authority.
  • Make sure your site is mobile-friendly, so fix every broken link.
  • Optimize the source codes of your websites for search engine crawling.
  • Secure Your Site With HTTPS and an SSL certificate.
  • Track the website’s response to SEO using Google Analytics to get a deeper understanding of your customers. Analyze data on how SEO works to optimize your website content or business information and organize it in one place.
  • Check your site’s loading speed to ensure high clickability from your users.

Based on the recent information from Google Trends, the interest profile or need for technical SEO in the United States surged from 29% in July 2019 to 89% as of June 2020 with technical SEO audit being at 60% of this incremental development. Along with this increasing trend for interest in technical SEO are the need for technical SEO specialists and technical SEO experts. Globally, the interest or need for technical SEO increased from 57% in July 2019 to 100% as of June 2020.

Learn more of the technical SEO approaches from other web resources such as this comprehensive checklist of technical SEO Tips to improve your search engine rankings and take the lead on the SEO competition.

Continually Learn SEO Best Practices

I bet that you, at this point, can learn more about how SEO works and that it can help you succeed. You are no longer a stranger to the SEO Basics, I suppose. Now, you are familiar with SEO, SEO meaning, SEO definition, types of SEO, SEO value, what is SEO, and how SEO works for your Google search engine ranking.

Consider looking for more basic SEO resources on the web than this guide may miss to offer you in the simplest uncomplicated terms to obtain comparable information on how SEO works. Integrate all of these SEO best practices. Quickly adapt these best SEO techniques that are industry proven to improve your SERP ranking, spread your business information over the internet, and drive sustainable traffic to your website.


Through this guide that we prepare for you plus other SEO resources available online, you can continually learn “What is SEO and How SEO Works” in a real sense. So, put your search engine optimization strategy into action, especially for beginners and aspiring SEO professionals. Ensure your familiarity with the types of SEO that you can use to optimize your Google My Business information, website content, and client business. Achieve this in a way you desire how SEO works to make sure your website is indexable by the best search engine crawlers. Remember to integrate these SEO techniques, as mentioned earlier, as part of industry-proven SEO best practices into your website content strategy.

Ensure including your relevant keywords search, and building relevant links from other high authority domains or high-quality websites to your overall SEO strategy. Please take note that the use of keywords and links play a critical role in all of these SEO components, and on how SEO works for your purpose. Your keyword enriched SEO content and SEO backlinking can highly impact how SEO works to optimize your website. Optimizing your site’s SEO factors can realize how SEO works to make your website easy for indexing by the best search engine crawlers and improve your site traffic potential. It can intensify your position to user search queries, making your website friendly to search engine crawlers and humans.

If all this is too confusing and time-consuming for you to do on your own, get in touch with us and our SEO experts will be happy to assist you with one of our many SEO services.