Do you ever struggle with content ideas for your blog? Do you find yourself making excuses for not posting anything new? If so, then don’t worry. There are plenty of reasons why such happens, and there are ways around it too.

Writing compelling content is hard. Many writers grapple with finding their voice and getting their message across. If you do, too, then this guide on how to write content that resonates with your readers might be able to help.

Here Are Important Tips on How to Write Content That Resonates

Writing effective content should be done with the end objective of engaging readers. Therefore, it is also very important to understand the target audience and their preferences before writing any piece of content for your website. While this can be difficult, there are basic tips that you can follow while writing content that resonates for your business and audience.

Understand Who Your Audience Is

Your website should resonate directly with your ideal customer. In other words, write content that says, “I’m here because I understand how you think and feel.” That means focusing on topics such as personality types, problems, pains, desires, and motivations.

The idea behind this is that you want to understand your customers’ problems and then use content that addresses those problems directly. The problem here is not that generic messages don’t work. Rather, they often speak to too broad an audience – they address the same issue for every customer! By contrast, specialized messaging speaks directly to each customer and is, therefore, more likely to be effective.

Your potential audience should be divided into different segments based on how they want to use your product—whether they need a solution for themselves, their company, or both. You should segregate your audience according to the following:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Pain Points
  • Finances
  • Work
  • Background
  • Family

Create a Persona

Buyer persona creation helps you understand what pain points your customers face and why they need your product. It helps you understand the context of your customer’s journeys and how you can deliver value to them. You’ll also understand what features and benefits your products offer and how you can integrate those concepts into your design.

Who is your audience? Use this input to generate a fictional consumer that represents your ideal customer. You must include demographic information and psychographic information.

To create an audience persona, you first want to know about them. Base these on what you have gathered when understanding your audience

What’s their age? What does their gender mean to them? Where do they live? Do they have children? How much money do they make? Are they college graduates or high school dropouts? These questions help give an idea of their background and how they perceive themselves. Then you can start thinking about their values, goals, fears, and challenges. Finally, you can start to think about their needs.

You must base your relevant content around what your readers know about the topic or industry. For example, if you’re writing sports content, you might focus on the most popular teams or athletes. While it’s okay to take information from other sources and put your spin on it, make sure you cite your sources whenever possible.

Make Your Readers Feel the Content Was Written for Them

Writing them into your story is a great way to make your readers feel part of the team and feel important when reading your work. The main goal when writing any blog post or article is to connect with readers emotionally. If you want your readers to feel like they were written for them, then do what content creators like Dan Zarrella and Neil Patel do – write from the heart. They also use a conversational tone, making readers feel like they’re sitting at a coffee shop and having a casual conversation with a friend about something that impacts their lives.

When you find some common ground with your reader, then you’ll be able to connect with them better by sharing something they understand or care about. In other words, if you’re writing with your readers in mind, you’ll be able to write more effectively.

Be Visual

To make sure you have readable content, you need to use graphics to help organize the information. Adding some visual appeal is going to make your content more engaging, interesting, and memorable. Images and videos also help increase engagement rates because users read visual content than plain text.


Visuals like tables and charts make data easy to understand and digest. Readers can easily spot important information by quickly scanning.


Videos allow you to create an engaging narrative that allows the viewer to get inside of your head. You don’t need any special video equipment to use them.


you should use images sparingly and strategically. Use photos to break up text or to enhance a message. They can also help tell stories.

Strategize Keyword Usage

Writing for marketing involves organizing your ideas around specific topics. Each idea should have its unique emphasis so that readers can easily grasp the main points of each article or blog post.

We suggest strategizing a content plan based on what you want readers to achieve. Think about your audience and how you can meet their needs. You’ll be glad you did later once visitors start following you back to your website.

Don’t be afraid to choose a topic for which you haven’t got an idea. But don’t forget to offer tips and information on the different ways that people use your products. Even though you don’t consider yourself an expert on that topic, you’ll gain credibility by offering advice to others.

Write What Your Audience Wants

Don’t promote yourself as much as your company. Most businesses get it wrong when they assume that they’re the only ones out there. Instead, focus on creating compelling content that informs and entertains your audience.

Instead, focus on giving relevant information to your readers. Tell stories that connect you to your loyal customers. Share industry news. Your audience already knows you exist, but they might not know anything about you or your brand. By sharing helpful information, you increase the likelihood that people will choose to do business with you.

Put yourself in the persona of your target customer or prospect and ask yourself what problems or questions they might have about your business. What information do you need to help them solve their problem? Then, make sure your sales copy addresses their needs, wants, pains, and fears.

Appeal to Readers through Videos

As a content marketer and business owner, you must produce many short, entertaining content forms such as videos, blog posts, and how-to guides that target your ideal audience. Such compelling content goes viral more often than longer-form efforts.

How do we get our brand message out? We use video, but in a different order than what we’ve done before. We need to put the promotional message at the front of videos, then show the actual customer how to engage with us. Promotional messaging should tell a story about the company, not simply sell a product or service. When used to create a dialogue with the consumer, videos make the most sense, not simply push messages.

Animation can help you tell a unique story that would be difficult if done with live-action. In addition, it offers a fun and visually appealing means to explain ideas or tell stories.

Brand stories are opportunities for you to share your story, share your values, and address the problems your good or service fixes.

Product review videos allow you to demonstrate what makes your product different from others and highlight the most interesting features. Such videos may also allow you to distinguish yourself by highlighting your uniqueness.

Although there isn’t any specific rule regarding what kind of content strategy should be included in tutorials, we recommend including the following kinds:

• Product demo, installation, use, or how-to guides

• Step by step instructions

• Walkthrough

• How-it works information

• Tips & tricks

• Frequently asked questions

With vlogs, the business owner gets the opportunity to dedicate more time to your topics without worrying about keeping the piece of content brief or snappy.

Learn How Your Audience Speaks

To be effective, you must spend some time with your audience. First, you should know what words and phrases they use most often. Then, craft a message appropriate for your audience. Using the same language your audience uses will ensure that you’re staying true to yourself. For example, you should never “feed lettuce to a lion”; instead, create art that engages and inspires your audience.

Know What Interests Your Audience on Social Media

Join Twitter chats. Engage with others in the chatroom. Make sure you’re following other accounts and tweeting about what they tweet. In the chat community, you’ll often be asked questions by users in the same industry as you’re targeting. In addition, you can get information from social media content as the basis for your content. For example, you might see a question about SEO or blogging or social media marketing. This information helps craft your posts.

In many cases, a community or group isn’t about building relationships. Instead, it’s about getting people to do what they want them to do. That’s why there is such a strong emphasis on marketing and sales in most of these groups.

Provide Real-Life Examples

A lot of times, readers do get bored of reading about facts or theories. They want examples. So, when writing, give them some real-life examples. Readers tend to remember examples much better than abstract information.

Ask for a Feedback

For every person you add to your email list, you send out an automated message asking them how they like what you’re doing. You can also include if they’d like to be removed from your list or if they want to keep on getting emails from you.

A message soliciting feedback or suggesting improvements can help how your content marketing goes in the long run. Emails sent to you can be used as a means to generate discussion about the product.

Online marketing needs to be personal to be effective. You need to engage with your customers by giving them useful information about yourself and what you do. In turn, this should motivate them to tell others about your service or product.

Focus on Evergreen Forms of Content

Evergreen content is useful now and in the future. Trendy content is useful now but could become obsolete in a year or two.

Be on the lookout for evergreens. These are broad concepts that tie together many different types of information. The more you get to know about them, the better. You’ll also want to think about how each concept relates to other topics or areas of focus. How does this topic relate to other topics? Does it draw into another subject? Is there any connection between this topic and something else?

Evergreen blogs may feel old-fashioned and out of step, but there’s plenty of new information that deserves attention. After all, we’re still talking about how humans interact online and what works in marketing.

Why You Need to Write Content That Resonates with Your Audience

Your blog is a tool in your arsenal to get more readers and influence your audience. You need to focus on providing original content that makes your site valuable to your audience and provides value to them in return.

Blogs can be used as informational content or advertising tools. Consumers read blogs because they want information about what’s happening around the world. Companies use blogs to inform potential customers about products and services. If done correctly, consumers may even purchase a product or service based on something they learned online.

To End

Content that speaks volumes and to which your viewers can relate is what readers are looking for. Therefore, you need to reach out to your readers to know what they want so you can provide more. Do you need help with your search engine optimization and web development? ITD Web Design can help you with these. Contact us so we can assist you.