You’ve got a great website. Now, how do you increase lead conversion for your sales team?

Millions of people visit websites like yours to sell or purchase something every day. If your web page isn’t converting visitors into buyers, then you’re missing out on potential customers. In other words, you’re wasting money.

In regards to your business, there isn’t any aspect more important than leads. If you want to create a successful online store, you need drive traffic to your site— not just from people who like your product but from potential buyers looking for exactly what you sell. Luckily, there are more ways than one that you can improve your lead generation efforts so that you can begin making real conversions from your site.

It would help if you struck the right balance between information and sales messages. Find out how to boost lead conversions using these seven tactics for your marketing team and sales team.

7 Ways to Increase Lead Conversion

Your main objective as a marketer should always be to turn those first-time visitors into real customers. As long as people remain on your site, there’s always a good chance they’ll eventually become interested enough to take action, thus, impacting their buying process.

#1. Make Sure You Have a Convincing Call-to-Action

The Call To Action (CTA) is the most important part of any landing page because it’s where visitors decide. Any action you take will turn your visitors into potential customers or drive them off and raise your bounce rate.

People tend to be drawn toward something they find compelling. For example, a strong call-to-action.

Your call-to-action (CTA) copy is as important as your buttons’ color, placement, and shape. Many action buttons on a web page are often an online marketing mistake because it leads to a low conversion rate. Be crystal clear on what your product/service is about and what makes it different from others. If you can’t explain something simply in just one or few sentences, then perhaps it isn’t worth mentioning at all!

#2. KISS It

Keep it short and sweet. Most people hate filling out gen forms on web pages. Make sure that each form has only the necessary fields. Make it easy to convert.

You want people to sign up when they visit your site easily. There should be no barriers are preventing them from signing up. You want people who have an interest in what you’re offering to sign up. Make sure they know how valuable their subscription would be.

Most people won’t stick with something when it takes too long or is just too complex. But, on the other hand, if it takes less time than 30 seconds to complete, then you’re probably going to get through it quickly.

  • Allow people to use your website easily. Make sure that all elements of your web design are functioning well together and look like a cohesive unit. This would happen by incorporating UX best practices, such as allowing for smooth scroll behavior and keeping a consistent theme across pages.
  • Include pictures of products or services. They attract viewers’ eyes and make them feel comfortable buying from you. Keep in mind that many people prefer images over text on web pages, and therefore, visuals are effective forms of content.
  • Write short sentences and paragraphs. Try keeping your paragraphs around 250 words or fewer, with relevant keywords added to the mix. Too much information makes readers dizzy and bored. One way to encourage shorter writing is to have a headline at the top of each paragraph and include multiple subheadings under the paragraph. This helps guide your reader through the piece and encourages them to skim rather than read longer pieces.
  • Be specific. Include relevant information such as facts and statistics about the product being sold. Show your expertise. As an expert, you must have evidence to back up your claims.

Keep things simple. Don’t use aggressive pop-ups, flashing lights, or lots of exclamations marks to get people to convert; instead, focus on making an excellent user experience. If your site has simple designs and offers, they’re more likely to convert.

#3. Place Your Forms in the Upper Fold

People make a common mistake when you design a lead generation form by putting them in the lower fold. This is a mistake because it makes your generation form look like an afterthought and not part of the page’s overall design. Usually, peak engagement occurs above the fold. So, putting important elements like a contact form, calls-to-action, etc., at the top of your page can maximize their visibility to visitors and increase conversions. Above-the-fold engagement is initiated by having an engaging headline.

Most people understand that putting their contact forms above-the-fold yields a better average conversion rate than placing the online form below the fold. However, conversion optimization can improve user engagement through better design and content.

The potential customer sees the information above the above-the-fold before scrolling down. In any case, whatever appears here will always affect the user experience.

You don’t need to convince prospects when they’re already interested because you’ve got them right where you want them—above the fold!

#4. Minimize Clutter Around the Forms

For any landing page to generate qualified leads, they need to stand out from their competitors. You don’t want to overload the forms on your site because if people get overwhelmed by them, they might not fill out any at all.

It would help if you had words that persuade people, and the design helps create an interesting personal experience for them. If you want to increase click-through rates (CTR) on your call-to-action buttons, making them easy to find is one way to go.

Here are tips to make your forms less cluttered:

  • Allow white spaces.

White space helps improve readability and increase click-through rates.

If there’s too much behind the scenes, visitors may be distracted by the noise and leave without reading any further. White background and white space help authority sites stand out from the crowd when visitors come across them online. Such a technique is a common yet effective way to optimize conversion rates.

White space makes text easier for readers to scan through by making them less likely to stop at each word they don’t know. However, it doesn’t necessarily increase the reading time. Instead, white space helps guide your eyes from one part of a web page to another. In other words, easy navigation.

  • Make some fields optional.

Being minimalist is usually better when it comes to contact forms.

If you want people to read your relevant content, use only the right words, sentences, and formats. If you use the right words when writing your lead generation forms for your business, you’ll be able to attract new leads.

Make sure to include at least one required field, so people know they need to fill out something before submitting their request. On the one hand, you might want to consider making some of these fields optional, so your potential leads don’t feel the filling out is like an effort. But, again, it makes sense to make things easy for people.

Showing them that they don’t need to complete every field may help convince them to provide their contact info. You don’t need to fret about ensuring they fill out every optional field correctly; most people won’t notice if something is missing.

A salient point here is that you must never mark any field as “required” unless you mean for people to fill them out. If you need both mandatory and optional fields on your forms, having an error message for each field is not enough; you’ll want to add one final validation check before submitting the form. They usually place an * next to each field they want to fill before submitting their form. Many forms builders also let you add the text “optional” into their forms.

#5. Include Your Privacy Policy

Legal requirements dictate privacy policy content. Beyond that, it will help you be more open about yourself when connecting with site visitors and building trust. You must include a privacy policy even if you don’t collect sensitive user information. Adding a privacy statement to your forms helps increase conversions by showing visitors that they’re safe from any potential risks associated with giving out personal information.

Prospects are increasingly aware that most privacy policies aren’t living up to their promises and are usually just a marketing tactic. Therefore, you need to reassure your target audience that they’re dealing with reputable eCommerce companies before asking for any sensitive personal information.

It would help if you first got them to believe that you’re trustworthy before they share any personal information with you. If you include a link for a privacy policy, keep it at the bottom of the page.

#6. Add Testimonials, Reviews, and Demos

Everyone would rather not be the first person to try out something new. You can provide testimonials or reviews from previous clients to help reassure them about using your services.

Social proof, such as customer reviews, helps put people at ease when making a purchasing decision. People crave visual stimuli because they’re the most powerful sensory input we receive. In writing about your product (or service), include an image-based demo or video introducing the product and how it works.

Showing people who use your service helps others understand why they need it. Of course, you’ll find there’s always a way to incorporate a visual into any pitch, but incorporating one makes it easier for people to understand exactly why they need to buy from you.

It’s better if you gain their trust before they get converted. Add them if you have any customer reviews or testimonials from real people who’ve used your product or service. Users almost always prefer products and services with plenty of positive feedback. Showing off your affiliation with big names makes you look like an expert. And if you offer a guarantee, people may be willing to buy from you because they know their purchase will come with peace of mind.

#7 Don’t Overdo Pop-Ups

You can increase conversions by up to 114% if done correctly by adding pop-ups. However, add them sparingly.

  • You may want to use a trigger that pops up an ad when someone completes a certain action like reading a blog post or staying on a web page for longer than usual.
  • Make the pop-up easy for people to close.
  • Make sure any forms you use don’t require too many details.

Here’s a Bonus: Write an Engaging and Compelling Copy

It’s important to write good content for your site if you want people to visit it regularly. Great content helps them find out more about you or your company if they’re interested enough to click through. Being an expert writer may take time, but you’ll reap the rewards later if you put in the effort now.

Below are some helpful tips for success.

  • Be Clear & Concise

When writing engaging content for web pages, visitors need to be able to understand exactly what they’re going to get by completing an action, like clicking through to another page or downloading something from your site.

  • Be specific

It would help if you didn’t tell people you offer excellent customer service unless you explain why they should care. Visitors won’t know whether what you say makes sense until they learn specific details.

  • Avoid information overload

Don’t overwhelm visitors by loading their screens with tons of words at once. Instead, keep each paragraph short and concise, so they don’t feel like they’re drowning in your marketing content.

  • Write as if you’re talking to a real person.

Don’t use stiff language or overly formal writing style; don’t write like an older man talking to his grandson.

  • Keep your promises

Don’t lie; people won’t trust you again if they find out.

  • Create a strong hook

To keep readers interested throughout your content, use strong hooks such as irony, humor, or paral­lels. This provides a huge impact, even at the start of your writing.

To End

A good marketing strategy doesn’t focus solely on driving traffic; instead, it focuses on converting visitors into leads and turning them into loyal buyers in your sales funnel. Are you having problems with your content marketing campaigns? ITD Web Design specializes in website building and maintenance and online marketing. Ring us up so we can assist you.