“What is WordPress?”, most people ask this, wanting to build a great website! Yes, you can create a great WordPress Website even without coding knowledge.

It is easy to build a powerful WordPress Website when you understand what is WordPress all about. This blog gives that experience providing you the features of this flexible and dependable content management system (CMS) to power up your website.

What is WordPress and How it Works?

First things first, learn what is WordPress and how it works. It would be great to know the difference between WordPress.org, WordPress.com, Joomla, Wix, Drupal, Magento, and other Websites CMS builders to make it easy learning the WordPress CMS.

Meet WordPress, a CMS built on PHP and MySQL and licensed under the GPLv2 for democratized publishing with about 75 million websites benefit from using its most popular open-source content management system with thousands of plugins and templates.

WordPress provides a simple, flexible, and powerful user interface that reduces development costs and deployment time. Create content as either a “post” or a “page” using a WordPress website.

Is WordPress Easy To Learn?

The WordPress CMS is easy to learn when you commit your extra time, effort, and a minimal amount of money. Learn the basic search skills in using search engines like Google and the ability to follow instructions. Knowing HTML, CSS, or other programming languages can help you understand the ins-and-outs of using WordPress. It is not top skill, though, to learn in building an easy drag-and-draft WordPress website.

Download the software and install it as part of a hosting package from a web hosting provider for WordPress.org or the hosting and installation services WordPress.com provides.

How Long It Takes To Learn What is WordPress?

Different individuals vary in learning levels, so is WordPress. You can advance your learning of the WordPress basics when you put a few hours or days in a week or two to understand how it works as a great Website.

Becoming a WordPress Expert or Professional requires more time, like several months to a year, searching and reading through online classes, e-books, podcasts, tutorial videos, blogs, and many practices. Consistent practice can ease your mastery of the WordPress CMS.

Smart Ways to Learn What is WordPress Best For

Learn WordPress step by step: its installation, how it works, and the steps you need to take further. Start with a process-based checklist and worry not if you don’t have any idea yet.

Many online resources such as this post can guide you all about WordPress CMS, the best ways and benefits to learn it. Including related content and online WordPress resources from expert insights. You can use these on your way to quickly, completely, and easily create a WordPress website up and running live.

Get an easy start with this complete and easy online guide, which we have outlined to simplify your learning and enhance your preparations.

Difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org

In a brief differentiation, WordPress.com is both a website and a business, giving access and maintaining the web hosting and WordPress installation server. Your functionalities for customization can evolve within the limits of the features it offers and because of the different sizes and types of sites, they support.

While with WordPress.org, you have all the freedom to create a website. You can customize and control it in full. Owning a complete responsibility to configure and maintain the WordPress installation to make a great online platform to generate organic traffic.

WordPress.com and WordPress.org’s differences arise between hosting (WordPress.com) and self-hosted (WordPress.org, that we recommend you choose) websites. Choosing between them depends on the level of control you want to create and manage your site and its functionalities.

How Do I Learn WordPress for Beginners?

WordPress is easy for beginners and powerful for website developers to code, setup, host, and run your website. I suggest doing it systematically and not as a one-click auto-installer process.

Learn what is WordPress for Beginners through online courses, podcasts, tutorials, and training videos either from WordPress.org resources or from your web hosting providers. Interact with the WordPress community forum, group chats, and other online related sites.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using WordPress

Advantages of Using WordPress

As discussed earlier, the key features or advantages of using WordPress.org have evolved from a simple blogging platform to the most popular and superior website-building software.

WordPress powers over 38% of the entire web with a democratized publishing platform you can customize and share with the WordPress community. When you use WordPress.org, you own and control it with a large community of WordPress support.

Disadvantages of Using WordPress

WordPress would need lots of plugins for additional features, frequent theme, and plugin updates. It affects your website performance with slow page speed, poor seo ranking, website vulnerability, and even getting your website to go down without notice.

One key disadvantage of WordPress is its security for being an open-source platform. Its customization platform depends freely on its themes and plugins, making WordPress a prime target for hackers everywhere. This is common for all systems as none has ever been built perfectly seamless and flawless.

Where Can I Learn WordPress?

Starting from this online guide, and among other online resources. The following sections in this post will expound on how to learn in-depth what is WordPress and how it works for you.

To name a few of these best online places (with free and paid resources), BlueHost, Dreamhost, Hostinger, OSTraining, SiteGround, Udemy, WordPress Codex, WordPress.org tutorials, WordPress.tv (including its YouTube Videos), WPApprentice, WPBeginner, and are what I love of all the things needed to learn and use WordPress.

Is WordPress a Free CMS?

WordPress is free to install, deploy, and upgrade. However, you have to check for wordpress web hosting that is practical to maximize your efforts and resources to build a democratized WordPress website and lengthen its use. You can temporarily install wordpress and make a “post” or a “page” and view your site.

Search plugins and themes and try installing one to know how it works as free software. See how your design changes. Learn more about the WordPress CMS free features in this post.

Why is WordPress so Hard to Learn?

What seems to complicate WordPress.org when you use it for the first time is the total power and flexibility of the content management system (CMS). It would seem daunting to own and become responsible for the total control of your WordPress website.

WordPress design allows you with user roles to customize it free and unlimited support for many types of websites you want to create.

Now, let’s dive into these few but essential benefits of using WordPress to build your WordPress Website or Blog.

15 Benefits of What is WordPress Best For A Website or Blog

1 – A Beginner-Friendly Content Management System

WordPress is easy for beginners that developers found it powerful. So, make it your first step.

WordPress is a very easy CMS platform. As discussed earlier, beginners can start with, set up, and run easily. Avoid making it like what most web hosts come with as a one-click auto-installer.

You can use online tutorials, WordPress Training Videos, and even WordPress SEO Guides, which are beginner-friendly. You can also find a WordPress support community where you can learn what is WordPress CMS best for.

Please use its plugins and themes, easy access to its source files, and support community. WordPress is endlessly friendly to every beginner’s or start-up companies’ changing needs.

2 – Easy to Learn WordPress Basics

Start with WordPress Basics and shorten your learning curve than what others consider a steep website CMS builder.

Learn and share what is WordPress basic all about and the latest changes using its online courses. There’s always a lot more to learn from the community members worldwide. Whether you’re a new blogger or seasoned developer, you can learn from these resources about WordPress and teach it to others.

3 – Flexible and Adaptable and Flexible WordPress Features

WordPress has standard features that can adapt to your complete control over your website’s design, templates, and functionality. However, you will need some coding to learn how to set up, use, and manage WordPress if you want to do-it-yourself.

Upload the core WordPress directly from WordPress.org. Install a WordPress site to make it up and running in a matter of minutes without any technical help. Do it with a drag-and-drop method, and get your domain name and a web hosting account to make it through with your WordPress hosting provider.

4 – Free WordPress CMS

Is WordPress completely Free? Download a copy of WordPress, and once you have it, it’s yours to use or amend as you like. The GNU General Public License (or GPL) published them for you to download, edit, customize, and extend the functionality of your website for free.

Subscribe to paid plans applicable on a per-site basis for your web hosting and premium WordPress plugins. Pay for each website to use a custom domain and other paid features.

5 – Mobile-Friendly Website CMS

Become one of the mobile responsive WordPress websites with the WordPress mobile apps, an open-source application with the power of publishing content in your hands. Easily create and consume content at your fingertips, publish posts to your site, check stats, and interact with the audience of your great posts in a mobile browser or reader.

WordPress mobile apps support WordPress.com and self-hosted WordPress.org sites running WordPress 4.0 or higher. Learn how WordPress integrates and gets to your fingertips.

6 – WordPress Website Hosting

WordPress deals with more hosts than you can imagine. There are hundreds of best web hosts that meet WordPress’s minimum requirements so choose the best among the WordPress CMS crowd with the right hosting environment. WordPress works best when it’s in a rich hosting environment as well.

WordPress recommends – Bluehost, Dreamhost, and Siteground to represent some of the best WordPress hosts. Check this short list of leading website hosts. Consider whether you want shared or dedicated (managed) web hosting to fit your needs. If you don’t need a full web host’s flexibility, you may consider getting a free blog on WordPress.com.

7 – WordPress Vs. HTML

Which is best, WordPress or HTML? You can use HTML if you build a small website that is not dynamic or requires new content. It’s your fine approach to building a great website. WordPress comes as your better choice beyond these and anything else.

An HTML site is much easier to manage, though. In contrast, a WordPress site is so enjoyable to customize than a challenge. Using an HTML website will ease plugin compatibility or site maintenance, but needing a developer to make changes. So, WordPress is still the best. And adding HTML to your knowledge arsenal is a good backup to be a great site.

8 – Website Vs. Other Website CMS Builder

The WordPress.org platform is popular for its simple-to-use content management systems capabilities. WordPress.com is a lot easier but we don’t recommend it for long-term use. Learn your edge of using WordPress.org over these alternatives:

  • Shopify – best for eCommerce, fit for online stores, and pricy.
  • Joomla! – complex but powerful, most improved CMS that comes next to WordPress.
  • Drupal – free plugins, more flexible than WordPress, it needs a developer to customize.
  • Wix – a basic DIY, and easier to use flexible designs. It may not last in the long run.
  • Weebly – extremely easy for DIY. You get locked on their features.
  • Squarespace – easy to use with pricey option and limited integrations

You are making the wisest decision to choose WordPress over them. Start creating new websites and blog content with an easy drag and drop approach that WordPress.org offers you.

9 – Websites You Can Create Using WordPress CMS

WordPress is the easiest and most powerful blog or personal website builder you can find today. You can use it to build websites for business platforms, eCommerce, job boards, directory listing, question & answer, non-profits, religious, special ethnic groups, portfolio, dropshipping.

Check this blog about the kind of websites a WordPress CMS is best for. Better get started with its new WordPress 5.6 “Simone” version released to the public on the 8th of this month.

10 – WordPress Blog

One of the multiple functionalities that WordPress has is a “built-in” blog feature. You can access or add a blog to your website without creating one separately, publishing content easy.

It is even possible for sites that are unrelated to blogging to use the blog feature to add updates or announcements. You can also write a regular blog entry or a post that appears in reverse chronological order on your blog’s home page in a default setup.

11 – WordPress Support Community

The WordPress support community forum is your starting point in finding and sharing solutions while learning about WordPress website settings, administration, customization, permalinks, maintenance, troubleshooting, and other useful features.

You can get various online resources to help you get the most out of WordPress from WordPress.com and WordPress.org’s support forum. You can also build an online interactive community and interact in activity streams, messaging, and make it fun and flexible using Buddypress apps.

12 – WordPress Plugins

Extend your WordPress functionality experience with plugins and themes you need in creating basic and specialized sites; many users want specific to their needs. You can find hundreds in the WordPress plugin directory.

Users can also purchase and install hundreds of custom plugins from third-party developers. Activate, deactivate, and uninstall these WordPress Plugins as you need for your site.

13 – WordPress Themes

Check the Theme Developer Handbook for an array of choices to fine-tune the layout, look, and functions of your website, all available via online purchase or stream it live. Thanks for its WordPress Theme directory of over 8,000 basic and premium themes used by millions of users worldwide.

Ensure a great experience for your users. Keep up with the theme requirements, new ones, and the latest changes by following the Theme Review Team’s blog.

14 – WordPress SEO

WordPress search engine optimization (SEO) is possible but difficult if you don’t know the basics. However, WordPress has plugins that can help with SEO, but there are dangers associated with plugins. Better understand them well to avoid a bigger problem on your website.

WordPress SEO is essential for optimal ranking results despite how beautiful you’ve made your website. Get your site to rank higher on search engine results pages (SERP) using WordPress.

Though SEO can be daunting for newbies, and many find it too technical. Nothing is impossible to learn when you put in extra time, effort, and willingness in the first one to two weeks. Practice it as a habit of learning what is WordPress SEO to increase your online searchability.

Searchability is key to ranking high on Google and other search engines. WordPress sites tend to rank high for their keywords, largely because they’re constantly being updated and because WordPress includes a lot of tools and plugins to optimize your site for SEO.

15 – WordPress.TV

Get help and tutorials, especially for beginners and even experts alike, through WordPress.tv videos. These videos compile presentations, highlights, and behind-the-scenes looks from wordCamps, related events around the World, related blogs for each of the wordCamps, latest news, and WordPress weather trends by Matt Mullenweg.

Access WordPress TV On YouTube Channel for tutorials and training videos via wordcamps.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, this post on what is WordPress is your complete guide to a great website. Providing you with the benefits of what is WordPress best for your website or blog.

With WordPress.org, you’ve got the freedom to build, customize, optimize, and share as a community of WordPress developers.

We made this simple and straightforward to make WordPress your great choice to build your website and blog that drive site traffic and rank high in the SERP.

No more worries about creating your website to improve your online presence and be searchable with the help of our WordPress Experts!

Learn more from us on WordPress Webdesign and SEO services by using this form.