Writing is a crucial skill if you want to succeed with an online content strategy. If you want to get noticed, then you need to write high-quality content that engages people. The key to success is using effective SEO writing tools that allow you to write better and faster.

SEO stands for search engine optimization. It’s a way of optimizing your written articles to have higher SEO rankings on Google and other search engines. If you’re struggling with writing your online content, search engine optimization, or even finding a topic to write on – then you’ll love these SEO writing tools to get more traffic from Google search query results.

We’ve used these tools, and they’re amazing – especially if you’re new to online marketing and want to start right. This article will give you the best SEO tools for writers to improve their writing skills.

Here Are the Top SEO Writing Tools for Your Organic Traffic

For many businesses, their website or blog plays a major role in generating business leads and sales. However, without proper SEO writing tools, you may struggle to achieve this goal. Below are top-rated tools you can use to help with SEO writing, including a brief explanation of each tool. In addition, here are some SEO writing tools worth checking.

Portent’s Content Idea Generator

Portent’s Content Idea Generator

This tool helps you find ideas for blog posts by analyzing the focus keyword in the text of your current articles. You can include additional keywords manually or import them from your Google Analytics account. Once you have some ideas, click “Generate” and Portent creates a list of ideas based on your keyword analysis. This idea generator works great when you already have an idea for a post but don’t know how to structure it into a readable article.

Key Takeaways:

  • Find topics to write about easily with a free keyword research tool
  • Create blog posts in minutes with your keyword ideas
  • Add any primary keyword or phrase in the textbox below to get started now!

Answer the Public


This tool is very similar to Portent’s Content Idea Generator. They both work together to help you create unique blog entries quickly. What makes Answer the Public different is that it gives you a summary before you type anything else. Then, when you save the summary, they ask you a few questions to see what kind of post you may want to write.

After answering these questions, the tool generates a template for you to use as a starting point. While you can customize the template, there are many pre-made templates available. So, if you’re not sure where to begin, simply select one of the ready-to-use options.

Key Takeaways:

  • Generate the full version of your post
  • Save time by getting a summary of your ideas immediately.
  • Pick one of the ready-to-go articles to start.
  • See what your readers would think once you published

Capitalize My Title Headline Analyzer

Capitalize My Title Headline Analyzer


Headings are the most important parts of your website. A headline can make or break a website’s click-through rate. When visitors go through a site, they see what looks like a title for their web page. Therefore, you should optimize headlines to look professional and engaging enough to encourage visitors to keep reading.

Tons of software and websites will help you create a winning headline. Still, Capitalize My Title Headline Analyzer is one of our favorites because it allows users to quickly and efficiently analyze the title before creating it. You can use this SEO tool to analyze a headline. The tool evaluates the headline according to several rules, including readability, style, user intent, and SEO indicators.

Key Takeaways:

  • Points out words that may be meaningless and inappropriate in a headline
  • Gives suggestions on how to make the headline better
  • Helps find the optimal headline length for search engines.



The Grammar Checker is considered one of the best grammar checkers available today. This is considered superior to other grammar-checking software because it takes its cues from real-world writers. That means you don’t need to teach the grammar checker anything—it knows what people say. And unlike other apps, which only check basic sentence structures, the Grammar Checker understands a wide range and more complex forms of English, such as passive voice, relative clauses, and compound sentences. In addition, Grammarly provides many ways to edit any piece of content. It does this by providing a grammar checker, spelling checker, and advanced writing assistant.

When using Grammarly, you can choose whether you want to correct grammatical errors or fix spelling mistakes. If you’re looking for a quick online grammar correction solution, the free version does a great job and has some pretty cool features, but if you’re serious about your writing, it’s worth paying for the premium version.

Key Takeaways:

  • Useful for non-native English speakers who may misspell common words or use incorrect grammatical structures
  • Helpful for writers who need to rephrase sentences to make them easier to understand



This is another very useful tool to generate keywords. Ubersuggest offers two different methods to generate keywords. Search users can either enter a focus keyword phrase or paste it in the text they would like to have suggested. After clicking generate keywords, the tool shows a list of keyword suggestions and the total estimated traffic generated by each suggestion.

Key Takeaways:

  • Generates a long list of related keywords based on information entered
  • You can see how people look and find relevant searches using various keywords.
  • You can also select a long-tail keyword phrase and tweak it to suit your purposes.



With over 1 million active users, WordStream is an excellent tool for finding relevant keywords. This SEO tool helps you identify high-value target keywords. The tool produces a list of keywords based on the keywords you provide. You can then sort them according to keyword difficulty or other categories. For example, you can organize them by industry or location. You can even add new keywords to the database based on your research query.

Key Takeaways:

  • Provides detailed information on the popularity of keywords
  • Allows you to sort your keywords by industry or location
  • Can be used to discover popular themes within specific industries
  • Uses smart algorithms to determine what is most profitable
  • Provides actionable advice for improving future campaigns
  • Interacts with numerous platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn



Woorank is an SEO tool that ranks websites based on their authority and credibility. Woorank analyzes the backlink profile of your website, which indicates where your site comes from and what sites are linking to yours. It then determines the quality of those internal links so to give you an overall view of your link profile. Once you understand your link profile, you can then optimize your piece of content to get better search engine rankings.

Key Takeaways:

  • Easy to use interface
  • Provides an overview of your current link profile
  • Offers insights on potential areas to improve your ranking



In addition to being a good grammar checker, the Typely app is one of the most powerful text editors around. There is an option to sync changes made throughout the editing process with the cloud so that you’d never lose track of your valuable content. In addition, to save time when creating documents, you can set the app to automatically format certain styles like headings, paragraphs, quotes, images, and lists while typing.

Key Takeaways:

  • Allows multiple accounts to access drafts at once 
  • Can easily create documents from their draft
  • Can highlight important points
  • Can share files through social media platforms



With Wordy, there’s no more wasting time trying to edit and re-edit your text. With Wordy, you can quickly get professional-grade writing done. You will receive regular feedback from real writers who help ensure your words are accurate and well-written. The program allows you to collaborate with your writer. Your writer can upload their previous edits and suggestions as references. When you’re ready for revisions, you can make tweaks yourself. If you are unpleased with the results after going through several rounds of edits, your editor may be able to offer some fresh eyes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Real writers review your text before it goes out
  • Get instant feedback and advice for improving the types of content needed by your market
  • Collaborate with other authors

Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner

The keyword planner in Google AdWords is easy to use because it has been designed specifically for digital marketers. First, you enter search terms that you want to rank for in Google. Then you can see how many people are searching for a particular term, in other words, the user intent, and how much traffic they annually generate so you can minimize your bounce rate. You can also lookup related terms and compare how much traffic they drive. Finally, the tool shows you the estimated number of clicks for each focus keyword and its monthly cost per click.

Key Takeaways:

  • Helps you determine which are the target keywords and whether or not they are worthwhile investments
  • Increase Google visibility

Keyword Sheeter

Keyword Sheeter

Keyword Sheeter helps identify keywords associated with your existing domains, blog posts, YouTube videos, Facebook posts, tweets, Instagram photos, Pinterest boards, and more. So then, you only have to enter your domain name, post title, tags, description, etc., and the tool will take care of the rest.

To find high-volume keywords related to your niche, enter your domain name into the Keywords section and press Enter. This brings up a list of keywords that would likely work well for your long-form content. Select any that you feel would perform best, and add them to the Keywords tab.

When you’re ready, simply type your desired keyword in the Search box at the top left corner of the screen. Now click Generate Suggestions. The keywords you entered should appear under Top Related.

Key Takeaway:

  • Use keyword sheeters to discover new ideas for topics that could earn you tons of targeted traffic.



If you’ve ever tried to write something but got stuck midway, you know how frustrating it can be. Most writers spend an average of five hours every week rewriting their stuff. That’s why we’re always excited when we come across tools that let us test my words right away. Spyfu lets you try different variations of your keywords until you get one that performs better than expected. 

Spyfu is one of the most popular keyword research tools available today. It’s an online service that provides data on thousands of keywords across multiple markets. In addition, the tool offers data on search volume, global trends, competition, CPC, and PPC costs, among other things. You can input your website URL and select what country you’d like to analyze results from. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Gives you a report with all of the relevant details you’ll need to improve your results
  • Can provide 1,000 keywords in a minute



Another essential tool for optimizing your site for major search engines. Yoast helps search users get the most out of their WordPress installation. To do this, you simply install the plugin; then, you add all the necessary settings for the posts you post on your blog. This way, when someone searches for a certain topic, your articles will show up at the top of the search engine results.

You can view the suggestions for SEO titles, descriptions, tags, and meta tags for each article. Once you’ve made adjustments, save them by clicking “Update”. Yoast can also help you identify broken links.

Key Takeaways:

  • Enables you to configure custom fields within your post editor
  • Allows you to manage categories, tags, and keywords
  • Manage comments
  • Optimizes the titles and descriptions of your posts
  • Takes care of meta description and alt attributes of images

Semrush Writing Assistant

Semrush Writing Assistant

Using the power of machine learning, SemRush Writing Assistant creates fresh, original content automatically based on the themes and topics you choose. It can even suggest synonyms for specific keywords. So whether you’re trying to build trust with potential customers or want to create quality backlinks for your site and avoid broken links, SemRush Writing Assistant is here to help.

It works in real-time as soon as you start typing. All you have to do is enter key phrases and click “Go!” and SemRush Writing Assistant does the rest. You can choose between three types of writing jobs — standard, urgent and super.

As for the best part, SemRush isn’t limited to articles only. It also offers services such as press releases, product descriptions, web pages, and more.

Key Takeaways:

  • The tool allows you to create articles quickly
  • Generates original, unique content automatically
  • Includes 300+ premium templates
  • Creates headlines, body copy, and lists
  • Eliminates duplicate content



It’s not always easy to develop catchy titles that grab readers’ attention and encourage them to click on them. Tailwind helps you do that easily, thanks to its built-in title generator tool that lets you insert specific keyword phrases into your content. In addition, Tailwind provides space to describe your content in greater detail, including things like bullet points, images, or tables. Lastly, you can edit your post whenever you want.

Key Takeaways:

  • You don’t need any programming knowledge to use this tool
  • Generates readable and compelling long-form content
  • Allows you to add different types of media
  • Helps you improve your content quality by giving you suggestions
  • Easy to set up your website
  • Easily integrates with social networks



SEOPress is a free SEO tool for bloggers. The goal of the service is to help bloggers improve their search engine optimization. With it, you can generate high-quality internal links to your site based on keywords from Google Analytics.

This is one of the easiest tools available. Just type in some keywords related to what you sell or write about, select your target audience, and wait for the search listings to roll in.

Key Takeaways:

  • Simple and intuitive user experience
  • Backlink generation through blog commenting
  • Targets specific audience and traffic tracking
  • Analytics integration for insights



The KWFinder is a WordPress plugin that allows users to import keywords from various sources, like Google AdWords, Bing Ads, Facebook ads, LinkedIn ads, YouTube ads, etc. This way, you can find out what keyword phrases bring in organic search traffic & conversions for different websites.

Key Takeaways:

  • Generates keywords by analyzing data from Google Analytics, Bing Ads, and AdWords
  • Allows tracking the performance of different keyword sets across multiple search engines.

Small SEO Tools’ KW Density Checker

Small SEO Tools’ KW Density Checker

Small SEO Tools’s KW Density Checker is the best keyword research and density checker. It helps you know the frequency a specific keyword appears in an article or page on your site. If it’s low, it means that keyword doesn’t appear often enough.

Key Takeaways:

  • Can be indicative of whether or not your keyword density is high enough to optimize for search engines
  • Make sure that you use keywords carefully and avoid keyword stuffing
  • Checks how many times each term appears on pages within your site

Why You Need SEO Writing Tools for Google

Most websites receive traffic through search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc., which means they must appear on top of search results for relevant keywords. Therefore, the main purpose of SEO writing tools is to help writers create quality articles that rank well in search engine results. Therefore, an SEO writer has to be efficient, creative, and knowledgeable about SEO techniques. However, SEO writing tools provide a complete set that enables writers to use various formatting styles, such as bold, italics, bullets, headers, images, tables, etc.

  • Using an online tool will make your job easier
  • Helps you analyze the type of content you want easily
  • Enables you to use keywords effectively
  • Helps you to avoid making mistakes while writing content
  • Allows you to create relevant content for your website
  • Offers an array of features that make them extremely useful for SEO purposes.
  • They are not only easy to use but also extremely powerful.

Here For Now

We hope you learn how to use these tools effectively with this list. But we encourage you to continue doing research and testing until you think you are ready to roll out your full marketing campaign. There’s no doubt that SEO can help boost organic traffic to your blog, but it’s only part of the equation. Do you need help with your search engine rankings? We at ITD Webdesign can help you build your SEO strategy improve your search rankings.