Have you ever thought about why some websites appear to increase in Google searches compared to other sites? Have you seen those top organic rankings and wondered whether they deserve them? The answer is simple: a good SEO strategy is essential to achieve top ranks in search engines.

Search engine optimization, otherwise known as SEO, is the art of ranking highly on search engines. Ranking high means better visibility and increased traffic, which translates into greater exposure and sales. If done correctly, an effective SEO strategy can increase revenue.

This article discusses why you should invest time and effort in improving your SEO strategy.

Here Are the Reasons Why You Need an SEO Strategy

Ensure that your website gets more visitors and leads to conversions. It’s no secret that websites with higher rankings get better organic traffic. This means more sales or purchases. However, getting ranked high can take a lot of work.

For Organic Traffic

Organic search is a massive part – sometimes even the majority – of most businesses’ website traffic. This makes sense because organic search is a primary source of traffic. For example, according to Searchmetrics data, organic searches account for about 55% of US desktop visits. And for mobile devices, organic search accounts for about 62%. So, while there are numerous reasons why you might want to optimize for other channels, optimizing for organic search alone isn’t one of them.

The goal of SEO isn’t simply to rank well in search engines; it’s to earn more traffic. A website’s traffic can come from many different sources, including referrals from social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, paid advertisements, and even people typing organic keywords directly into the browser address bar.

In general terms, organic search is the most effective channel to drive traffic to your website.

It’s a Crucial Aspect of Your Marketing Strategy

The role of SEO may change over time, but it will always remain. There will always be a place for SEO because consumers want products and services online. And while the role of SEO may shift, new avenues will open up through different entry points like voice, apps, wearable devices, and IoT.

Search engine optimization is a crucial part of your overall marketing strategy. It’s such a key component that it shouldn’t just be considered a separate entity—it must be added to every aspect of your marketing plan. This way, you’re maximizing the impact of SEO and traditional marketing channels like social media, paid ads, email campaigns, and more.

Better Than Paid Traffic

A recent study conducted by Searchmetrics found that paid search ads generate just over 25% of total ad spend globally, compared to 75% generated by organic search. But what does this imply for the future of search marketing?

The report suggests that there are four main reasons why SEO beats out paid traffic:

  • Organic SEO traffic is free.
  • There is no cost per acquisition for search engines.
  • SEO generates leads and sales.
  • SEO is scalable.

But despite all the benefits of SEO, many marketers still need to pay more attention to it because they believe that SEO isn’t scalable. They’re wrong.

You’ll reap huge rewards if you dominate the source of one-fourth of overall SEO traffic. And if you do nothing else but optimize for organic search, you’ll see even greater returns.

For Credibility

To rank high in search engines, you must build trust and credibility. This is the reason why SEO is important. However, if you need to learn what SEO is, you might think it’s just some fancy way to trick search engines into giving you a good position in search results.

The ultimate goal of SEO is to build trust and credibility among prospective customers. By creating a strong online presence, brands can establish themselves as industry leaders. This helps position businesses for long-term growth.

Understand Who Your Target Market Is

The most important thing about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is that it is the ultimate tool for understanding the needs of consumers. This is because off-page SEO is built around customer search intent. As such, it provides a unique perspective into how people use the web today. Therefore, SEO is the best way to tell whether someone wants something.

For a Better Customer Experience

User experience is becoming every marketer’s number-one priority. It’s now considered a key component of digital marketing strategy. And while many people think that optimizing a site for search engines is enough to ensure a great user experience, it turns out that a solid UX is a major factor in helping you rank well in search.

While many believe that SEO is dead, Google still cares deeply about the user experience. Recent updates like the Page Experience Update and the Knowledge Graph mean that Google now looks at the site’s quality and how well it serves customers.

For a Better Customer Engagement

With the rise and growing dominance of mobile traffic, local SEO has become a fundamental part of small- and medium-sized businesses’ success. In fact, according to Search Engine Land, nearly half of all smartphone searches happen within five miles of the searcher’s current location.

Local search also allows consumers to see what’s nearby, helping them decide where to shop and eat. And it gives companies a chance to connect with potential customers, increasing the likelihood of a sale.

Because It Affects the Buying Cycle

It makes sense that local SEO is increasingly important for companies looking to connect with customers online. Research indicates that nearly half of all internet searches begin locally — meaning that local SEO plays a significant role in purchasing. And while many brands still struggle to understand how to best leverage local SEO into their overall strategy, there are some basic things every brand can do today to improve their chances of success.

To Keep Up with the Best Practices

Google constantly releases updates, known as “Algorithm Updates,” which change how webpages rank in search results. These updates affect the quality of the actual search rankings and the ability to rank. If you keep up with what’s happening in the industry, you could gain traffic and sales opportunities.

The good news is that most digital marketing experts agree that SEO is constantly improving and best practices are being updated regularly. Therefore, you need to pay attention to those updates and adapt accordingly.


According to Search Engine Land, SEO is relatively inexpensive in comparison to other forms of digital advertising. The average SEO impression cost is $0.10, whereas paid ads are typically priced around $1.00. While some SEO experts argue that the ROI for SEO is lower than for PPC campaigns, there are plenty of examples where SEO outperforms traditional methods.

In addition to being much cheaper, SEO can be very cost-effective. For example, one study found that the return on investment for SEO was ten times greater than social media, 2.5 times greater than display advertising, and nearly three times greater than mobile advertising.

Improves Branding

Branding is often complex, costly, and chaotic. If you throw too much at consumers, you risk losing them altogether. But if you don’t do anything, you’re just another brand out there. Search Engine Optimization (SEO), however, can help accelerate your branding efforts and make you memorable. By getting your name out there and making yourself known, you can attract more customers, increase repeat purchases, and earn “mind share.”

When more people visit your site and become familiar with your business, they are more likely to return later and buy from you. This is because they’ve found what they came looking for. And since SEO helps secure a lasting place in their hearts, they’ll remember you long after they stop coming to your website.

Helps in Understanding the Internet More

There are many aspects of SEO that go into creating a successful digital marketing strategy. However, one aspect that often needs to be noticed is knowing the environment of the web. Knowing the SEO tools and methods others are using to rank well, learning about the latest trends, and understanding why certain things happen on the web help you gain insight into the bigger picture. This knowledge allows you to make better decisions and adapt faster to the ever-evolving landscape.

For Long Term Goals

SEO is a long-term strategy; it’s much easier to measure how well it’s working. In addition, you can track conversion rates and revenue directly from the results of your SEO efforts. On the other hand, paid ads offer a different level of transparency.

Unlike paid advertising, a consistent strategy will increase web traffic and brand awareness over time. However, it takes longer to build up a solid organic presence than to reach peak search performance with a well-executed paid campaign. However, SEO will always beat paid advertising in the long run because it generates real leads and revenue.

Still, an SEO strategy is best used in conjunction with paid ads. Paid ads can help you quickly gain visibility and establish credibility among potential customers. But once you start generating leads, a good SEO strategy will continue to grow your audience organically. This allows you to keep building trust while providing value to consumers.

It’s Measurable

Every element of your SEO strategy can be measured, evaluated, and corrected. This allows you to know what works and what doesn’t. In addition, you can see how much each aspect contributes to your overall success. If one part isn’t working, it can be improved upon. Once you’ve identified the areas where you’re losing money, you’ll want to make changes. These changes might include adjusting target keywords, optimizing landing pages, creating a better content strategy, improving internal linking structure, etc.

This process is called continuous improvement. It’s important because you don’t want to waste resources trying to improve something that won’t help you grow your business. But even though there are many aspects of SEO, some things are easier to measure than others. For example, traffic is easy to track and evaluate. But on the other hand, it’s easier to say whether a particular piece of content is effective by testing it.

For More Marketing Opportunities

The world of online marketing has changed dramatically over the past decade. Today, the best SEO strategy isn’t simply optimizing a site for search engines; it’s building a holistic approach to marketing that includes all channels. This requires a shift in mindset; if you’re seeking someone to care for your entire marketing needs, look no further than SEO.

To Strengthen Your Social Media Management

Social sharing is one of the most powerful SEO tools. You can increase search engine traffic and conversion rates, generate leads, and build brand awareness. But how does it work?

When someone shares something online, they often include information about themselves. Therefore, you can optimize your relevant content for maximum exposure if you leverage this data.

Directly Connected to Your Offline Sales

Good SEO starts with smart purchasing choices. In fact, according to a recent WebVisible/Nielson survey, nearly 90% of retail buyers begin their purchase journey online. Of those customers, 86% say they look up information about a product or brand before making a purchase decision. This makes it critical that you optimize your site so potential customers can easily find you and learn everything they need to know about your products before buying.

With the explosion of mobile devices and smartphones, many shoppers are now researching while shopping. They’re searching for deals, reviews, pricing, and even directions. As a result, more and more retailers are turning to SEO strategies to ensure their sites rank highly in major search engines like Google and Bing.

Gives You Advantage Over Your Competitors

The best way to capitalize on weak competition is to use SEO techniques. A good strategy is to find out where your competitors are making mistakes and how you can exploit those. Even better, you can do it yourself without spending anything extra.

In particular, look at what your competitor does poorly. For example, they might need to look into great opportunities that could give you a leg up. Or, maybe they’ve put themselves into a position where they’re vulnerable to attack. In either case, you want to capitalize on those flaws.

The key to long-term success here lies in understanding how your competitors operate. What strategies do they use to attract attention? How effective are those strategies? And most importantly, how much money does each competitor spend on their marketing efforts? If you know these things, you’ll be able to identify where your competitors fall short.

For Consistency

To rank high on major search engines like Bing, Google, and Yahoo, you must ensure that your content is consistently relevant. This means that your content must draw people to your site and answer the questions that are being researched. In addition, you need to provide information about your products and services and include helpful tips, news, and reviews. Many companies think creating unique content is the best way to rank well, but that only sometimes works. They only read if your content is useful and interesting enough.

What Makes a Great SEO Strategy

The world of SEO is constantly changing. With the advent of new technologies like AI, machine learning, and voice assistants, it’s important to keep up with what’s happening in the industry. In addition, to remain competitive, you’ll need to know how to implement changes into your content marketing plan quickly and efficiently.

How Crawlable Your Site Is

The term “crawlability” refers to the ease with which search engine bots can find and index your web pages. If you wish to rank well in search results, you must make sure that search engines can find and index your web pages easily. In some cases, crawling a site might take longer than others. Other search engine ranking factors include whether your URL structure makes sense and whether your URLs contain relevant keywords.

You can improve your crawlability by ensuring that your site has clean URLs and that each page contains unique content. Clean URLs mean that your URLs don’t have extraneous information such as file extensions or parameters. A good practice is to use permalinks that provide a meaningful description of what the page is about. Search engines love descriptive titles and meta descriptions because they help people understand what a webpage is about.

How Optimized Your Content Is

Apart from Google having full access to your site, the quality and originality of your writing are what counts for SEO. Your website’s contents drive organic traffic, shape how consumers understand and engage with your brand, and influence their behaviors.

It makes sense that content optimization typically begins with keyword analysis. Keyword research helps you identify people’s long-tail keywords to find your products and services online. So first, you’ll want to know what words and phrases potential customers type into search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo!, etc., to learn what they’re looking for. Then, once you’ve identified your target audience, you’ll want to write content around those topics.

How Your Backlinks Are

Backlinks are considered a very important factor in determining a website’s authority. A strong backlink profile indicates a high level of trustworthiness. Your goal is to build many authoritative links pointing back to your site. You do this by creating original content that people want to share. Then, you use guest blogging, press releases, and social media tools to attract those sites to link to you.

While many think that quantity matters more than quality, no hard evidence supports that claim. Studies show that quality wins out every single time. There are several reasons why. First, quality content creation attracts readers and encourages sharing. Second, low-quality content tends to get flagged by search engines. Finally, having many internal links does not automatically mean you’ll rank well.

How the Quality of Your Content Is

Quality, consistently published online content establishes you as an authority and helps build trust among potential customers. In addition, it gives you credibility and builds awareness about your brand.

You can use various tools to help you produce high-quality content, such as social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, blog posts, forums, etc. You can even use paid advertising to promote your pieces of content.

To ensure that your content gets found and read, you must ensure that it meets certain criteria. For example, your content needs to include target keywords relevant to your industry, be unique and original, and provide value to readers.

To End

Search engines are constantly evolving, meaning that SEO strategies must adapt accordingly. Do you need assistance with your SEO campaigns? ITD Webdesign is here to help. Give us a call so we can help you better.