From classifying user intent to analyzing SERPs, learn practical steps to optimize search intent.

Creating content that optimize search intent is important to be relevant in the search engine results pages.

A user’s intent is the reason behind their query. Search engines aim to provide results that best satisfy the intent for a particular query.

Here are my tips on optimizing for search intent and improving your content to match what searchers are looking for.

1. Identify search intent

It is important to start by identifying the intent before jumping into optimization. Search queries can be classified into one of the top three types of search intent:

1. Navigational intent: The primary goal is to find a specific website.

2. Transactional intent (a.k.a. commercial intent): The main objective is to purchase.

3. Informational intent: The aim is to acquire knowledge.

If you are working at scale, you can quickly perform this classification using tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, and Sistrix. These keyword research tools automatically include intent classification to help you get started.

Identify search intent

In the example above, the difference in intent between people looking to buy Barbie products (with a commercial or ‘do’ intent) and queries related to the movie (with an informational or ‘know’ intent) is visible.

Using these types of search intent to classify queries will set you on the right track. For instance, you might realize that you have a transactional page for a certain query when you could be creating or updating a comprehensive informational resource to better align with user intent.

It is better to start with this information and make necessary adjustments rather than discover it after investing a lot of effort in optimizing a page. This step is crucial as it is not always as apparent as it may initially seem.

2. Put yourself in their shoes

Now that you have learned about intent classification try to put yourself in the shoes of your intended audience.

We have all searched for various types of information, and we know what good search results look like.

Consider what you expect to see and evaluate whether your current page or content meets those expectations. If not, can you identify the areas where it is lacking?

Having a clear understanding of the search intent optimization strategy you are targeting will help you plan your content more effectively. Think like the user you are trying to attract.

3. Review the SERPs

Take a break from using research tools and instead use a search engine to see what is currently ranking for the topic you are trying to optimize for. This step is crucial.

I have often been surprised to find that what I think people want and what is ranking are often different. Sometimes, we can be too close to our products or industries to see the bigger picture.

Review the SERPs

Take a look at the search results and analyze what is already ranking.

What kind of page is it?

What is the content like?

How does it compare to yours?

You may find that the content that satisfies search intent discusses something you have missed or presents information in a different format.

It may not always be obvious, but reviewing the search engine results pages (SERPs) and identifying similarities in the top-performing pages is worthwhile and can optimize

4. Analyze your current results

Check your current ranking and click-through rate for your chosen query. If your content is not ranking well, it may indicate a search intent issue.

Analyze your engagement metrics, like bounce rate and time on the page. If people are not engaging with your page, it suggests that you have not adequately fulfilled their search request.

To optimize your content, try finding a similar page with better engagement metrics and compare the disparities. This can help you identify areas for improvement.

5. Consider mixed intent

When targeting broad keywords with a high search volume, it’s important to consider the different intents of your audience. For example, if someone searches for an “affordable dog costume,” they are likely looking to make a purchase. However, they may also have additional questions or need more information.

In the search engine results pages (SERPs), you will find a mix of pages catering to transactional and informational search intents. Some pages will showcase products to fulfill transactional intent, while others will provide information to satisfy informational intent.

Consider mixed intent

In this case, you should prioritize the user intent that will benefit you the most. For instance, if you have an e-commerce site, it would be best to optimize for commercial intent as it is more likely to align with your goals.

6. Examine ambiguous intent

Sometimes, the user’s intent is unclear. There can be multiple interpretations of the words they have used in their query, and they have not provided enough information to clarify this. For instance, if we search for “windows,” we may get various results:

Examine ambiguous intent

The best approach is to focus on satisfying the specific search intent you’re interested in, as search engines cannot differentiate between different intents and may show mixed results. If you want to rank, ensure your page is relevant to the traffic you want to attract and optimize it accordingly. For example, if you’re targeting people looking to buy doors, optimize your page to cater to their needs rather than the film-related results.

7. Use AI to complete the picture

If you’re an in-house SEO working in a small team or want to validate your ideas, why not ask your favorite AI to generate a list of potential search intents for your main topic? A useful starting prompt is: “Ask GPT-4 to provide a list of likely search intents for someone searching Google for [running shoes],” and you’ll receive a list of ideas. This ensures that you’re not working in isolation and considering all possible search intents, even if they may not personally resonate with you but are important to others. It helps you optimize your outline to cover various micro intents, resulting in a more comprehensive and well-rounded page or content piece.

Use AI to complete the picture

8. Update title tags and meta descriptions to match intent

Using the right language in title tags and meta descriptions can indicate that your content satisfies the user’s search intent. This can help improve click-through rates as searchers can immediately see that your page will provide what they need. Including words like “buy” or “get” for transactional queries and “learn” or “discover” for informational queries can help your result stand out. For example, when looking at the query “how to make a cake,” the top-ranking recipe sites use words like “easy,” “simple,” “best,” or “perfect” in their title tags to capture the right audience for their page.

Update title tags and meta descriptions to match intent

These words assist in clarifying the search intent, as novice bakers may seek a straightforward recipe, while others may seek a recipe to impress.

9. Use keyword clusters

While you’re researching your search query, take note of keyword clustering.

A single page rarely ranks for just one query, so keyword clustering tools can help create a bigger picture regarding search intent.

For example, if you’re creating content to satisfy the phrase “bifold door problems,” the keyword cluster below can help identify which problem areas to cover.

So, if your content is missing the mark, you can consider adding more detail about aluminum options and problems with the locks to fulfill that keyword intent better.


10. Check the SERP features

Pay attention to the SERP features when conducting a Google search. They provide insights into search intent and help users find what they want.

11. Use the SERP features

Now that you have seen the search features, can you utilize them? For instance, what are the People Also Ask (PAA) questions in the search engine results? Could your informational content better meet the search intent by answering some of these questions?

If there is an image pack shown, it might indicate that your content could benefit from more visuals. If there are plenty of video results, it suggests that including your unique video could enhance your page.

12. Use the right format

Formatting is crucial for aiding people in processing information and finding answers independently. This is especially important when it comes to search intent.

For instance, if users’ main goal is to browse products, their intent will be best fulfilled with a product listing page.

Take the search query “dresses for formal event” as an example. Our aim is likely to view the available styles and determine what we like and what suits us.

Therefore, it’s no wonder all the top search results are product listing pages.

Use the right format

No other page format comes in the top results except when more informational articles appear lower down the results page.

A category page that directs users to subcategories like midi, maxi, mini, or different-colored dresses instead of listing products would be less likely to fulfill the intent of this type of shopper.

This is because they may not have reached that stage in their decision-making process. They are looking for inspiration and don’t know what type of dress they need, so while their overall intent is to purchase, their micro-intent is to browse.

13. Include supporting entities

Matching search intent is a simple concept, but creating content that fulfills a user’s needs is a much more intricate process.

Intent and entities are closely connected. Entities assist search engines in comprehending the meaning of content, and the meaning of content determines whether it satisfies a specific intent.

The most effective way to demonstrate that you meet the intent is to grasp the subject matter thoroughly and the challenges your target audience faces. Then, produce high-quality content that offers solutions.

To accomplish this, you must research related entities and incorporate them into your content, showcasing a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

14. E-E-A-T

It would be best to have experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trust to satisfy search intent. When people seek information on a complex or niche subject, they are likelier to trust advice from an expert rather than a generalist. Improve your content by optimizing for search intent. If you have someone with more experience in your organization, involve them in contributing, reviewing, or fact-checking your content. Additionally, expand on expertise, authoritativeness, and trust by including quotes, contributions, or analysis from subject matter experts outside your company.

15. Check your language

Using the right language in title tags and meta descriptions can be beneficial. It is important to carry this language throughout your copy. When writing, focus on answering questions and fulfilling the needs of your readers. Doing so makes them more likely to engage with your content and feel satisfied with the information provided. Sometimes, you may need to add language that reflects the intent, such as “buy now” or “for sale,” on transactional pages. Additionally, review the readability of your content to ensure clear and effective communication. Address pain points directly and make it obvious that you are doing so.

16. Get human feedback

Once you’re clear about the intent and what you’re trying to achieve, ask others to read and review your content for this intent.

Do they feel it satisfies the intent? Can they suggest any improvements?

After all, your content is for real people, so it’s important to get another perspective. This is ideal if you can get your page reviewed by your target audience.

But if it isn’t possible, simply asking one or two colleagues to review your content might be enough to identify areas for improvement.

17. Get AI feedback

Continuously improving your content is key to optimizing search intent. It is important to regularly review and update your content to ensure it still satisfies the search query’s intent. You should also keep track of changes in search engine algorithms that may affect the intent behind certain queries. If you don’t keep up with these technological changes, you could miss opportunities to connect with potential customers or readers. Ultimately, keeping track of technical and user-focused changes can help ensure your content remains relevant, useful, and optimized for search intent.

18. Check your calls to action

Does your content include CTAs that align with the intent? Make sure to use “buy now” for transactional intent and phrases like “learn more” or “sign up” for informative pages. Review your CTAs and make adjustments if needed.

19. Continuously improve/ Optimize Search Intent

Search intent and the search engine’s understanding of it can change over time. Therefore, it is important to continually review and improve your top pages to ensure that they still align with the user’s intent.

Remember, you’re trying to help users accomplish their purpose

When you optimize search intent, putting your users at the center of everything you do is crucial. However, it’s important to note that not all users are the same, and the intent behind queries, especially broader ones, can be complex. Search engines already consider this information on a large scale and provide results that best meet the query’s intent for most users. To ensure you fulfill user intent and create valuable content, thorough research within and outside the search engine results pages (SERPs), planning, execution, and feedback are all essential.