Want to learn how to grow your email list fast?

There are loads of ways to grow your email list and many of these methods have worked very effectively for other businesses; especially those that have built their list from scratch. I hope that after reading this post, you will be able to find other ways to grow your email list through a direct email marketing campaign. Email marketing has been used for many years to build a loyal customer base and it still works effectively today. If you have a physical product or service and are not using email marketing as part of your marketing strategy, then you could be missing out on thousands of prospects.

What is an email list?

An email list is a curated mailing list of emails that the sender can collect through various means. It is a list of contacts who opt-in to receive marketing messages (such as newsletters and ebooks) from the sender. Each email address you receive becomes a subscriber to the list.
In the case of email campaigns, which are much more automated, emails become subscribers to a list only if they click a link, or action button in the sign-up confirmation email and complete their opt-in form. In all likelihood, most of the people who don’t click and fill out those opt-in forms will never see an email from you again. That’s why they make it clear that opting-in is required to make sure you get their contact info and email address. And so for any marketing purposes, including email for selling products or services, your goal is to have as many email subscribers on your list as possible.

Why Do You Need to Build Your List?

Email marketing has become the preferred marketing channel for the majority of today’s businesses and organizations. According to Entepenuer.com, “Email Is Still Your Customers’ Preferred Communication Tool.” Email is so much more effective for brand awareness and relationship building that many companies consider it even more valuable than websites.
One of the most important reasons why you need to build your own email list (and not buy one from the various marketing services) is because when you send messages via an email list, those messages are actually looking at every subscriber’s profile, which means that your message will have more impact on your email subscribers if they have already shown interest in what you offer.

The biggest problem most businesses have is how to come up with enough content to engage their subscribers. Read our post on Ways to Find New Content Ideas: A Complete Guide

Top Tips On How To Build Your Email List Fast

There are a variety of ways that you can build your email list and increase your conversion rate. Email list growth can come in many forms and it usually requires multiple tactics to make it happen. Some of these methods are outlined below:

1. Encourage subscribers to share and forward your emails

You can encourage subscribers to share your emails by including a URL in your email signature, allowing you to recommend the recipient visit a webpage that contains useful information or offers an incentive to subscribe. Outright encourage your subscribers to share your high-quality content directly inside of your marketing emails.

2. Add an opt-in link to your employees’ email signatures

By adding a simple link in your email signature or subject line, you can direct subscribers to your opt-in form which will allow them to opt-in directly and start receiving marketing messages from you. The main advantage here is that they’ll have already given permission for themselves to receive copies of any of your emails.

3. Use an autoresponder series

An autoresponder series is a letter, image, course, drip campaign, or a piece of evergreen email content sent over time such as weekly or monthly newsletters. These are especially good for people who choose to opt-in to receive information about you on a frequent basis as they provide an opportunity for you to build a relationship with your subscribers and encourage them to take action by subscribing to your email.

4. Send an invitation email with a unique offer

Try sending an email inviting users to subscribe directly. Instead of hiding behind the old “Why subscribe?” box or using the old bait and switch method of advertising a product, try offering something useful in exchange for their email address. This could be your next big ebook, free trial of a software package, or another valuable resource that will benefit them if they opt-in.

5. Reinvigorate a stale email list with an opt-in campaign

If you have a list of email addresses that you have been collecting for years and don’t actively engage with, ask your subscribers to re-subscribe and fill out an opt-in form so that they would be more likely to see your email messages again. This is a great way to confirm who wants to continue receiving emails and information from you.

6. Offer something useful in exchange for their subscription

This can be as simple as sending them a free report or white papers about a new software package or ebook that they might be interested in. Or it could also be providing them with extra benefits every time you send them an email message. For example, when they subscribe to one of your emails, provide them with a coupon code to use at checkout which will save them money on products or services.

7. Create Guest Posts to Grow Your Email List

Many bloggers are looking for a way to build their email list, and one of the best ways to do that is by advertising your opt-in forms in the comment or author bio section of your guest posts. This works because many people will be reading your content, but not contributing to it. By giving them an easy link to click and fill out, you can invite them to become active members of your audience.

8. Seek out your target market

To grow my email newsletter list fast I actively seek out my target market and ask them for their email address by offering an incentive or something useful in exchange for their subscription. Many people are willing to share their contact information with you when they know that it will benefit them directly. By offering niche-specific content that is valuable, you are more likely to gather sign-ups from your target audience.

9. Create opt-in incentives to grow your email list

Sometimes people may be less likely to give you their email address out of reluctance. This is why you want to offer them an incentive as a form of payment or alternative. You can use vouchers, unique coupon codes, discounts or other offers that you can give away in exchange for their email address.

10. Create a product that is worth recommending

People who are not interested in buying your products will most likely be resistant to giving away their email addresses. By creating something useful that they can get by subscribing to your emails, many people will be more than happy to share it with you.

11. Collect email addresses when people sign up for an event

People will be more than happy to sign up for your email list if they know that that’s a necessary part of the event or conference they are attending. For example, if you were signing up to give a speech at a conference, instead of asking for their email address, ask them to sign up! They’ll then be able to access the announcement mailers and information about the event right away and can start taking action by subscribing directly.

12. Add an opt-in form in your most popular articles

Adding an opt-in form at the end of your most popular articles is a great way to get more subscribers to sign up. If readers can see that you are giving something away for free that is related to your blog post, they will be more likely to sign up. This is called a content upgrade. Once you have their email address, you can start sending them the content that they were originally searching for.

13. Give away free products

Offering a free product or discount code in exchange for their email address is always a great way to get people interested in signing up with you. Think about it; people love getting things for free and they also want discounts on services based on how much money they spend with you.

14. Build Relationships

Building relationships with your subscribers is essential in order to have any real influence on them. After all, you can have a list of 100,000 subscribers but if they don’t know you or trust you, then it’s very unlikely that they will buy from or recommend your business to others.

15. How To Promote Your List

If your business is still early on and you only have a small list, then emailing your subscribers directly might be the best way to promote your list. However, if you are achieving some success with your business and have a bigger list, then there are other ways to promote it such as Facebook posts or Twitter tweets. You can also use an email marketing services like Mailchimp, Sendinblue, Aweber etc. to segment the content of each message by using different subjects and titles throughout the month.

15. Blog Posts

When writing blog posts, make sure you use them as a platform for growing your email list by adding links back to it. You can also embed an opt-in form in your blog posts or add them at the end of your articles as content upgrades.

16. Create a Landing Page for Your Email List

The best place to ask for people’s email addresses is on your landing page. This makes it easier for users to sign up, and you have more control over how they are directed to your email list. This also directs the target audience to a highly focussed page that is specifically designed around your offer.

17. Add a Form To Your Website

Many businesses will use their website as a form of marketing, so if yours is one of them, consider adding the opt-in form at the end of every page. By doing so, you’ll make signing up a more natural thing for visitors to do; as opposed to having to search around the site for it.

18. Interact on Forums to Grow Your Email List

Online communities are a valuable tool for building relationships with your subscribers. Interacting with other members on the forums and providing useful advice will encourage them to send you their email addresses.

19. Ask on Social Sites

If you are on social media, it’s always a good idea to ask other people if they are interested in being subscribed to your mailing list. This is especially true if you’re able to recommend and link back to content that they can enjoy as well.

20. Guest Blogging for Your Email List Building

Guest blogging is one of the best ways to build relationships with other businesses, bloggers, and website owners who may be influential in terms of building or expanding their audience.

21. Getting Press Releases Out

Press releases can also be a highly effective way of reaching out to potential customers in your industry. By appealing to them through different channels, you will be able to approach more people about your business opportunity. If you are able to send out press releases via email newsletters, that is even better.

22. Run a Contest or Giveaway

People love entering contests and giveaways, especially when they’re getting something in return! So if you have any free products or services that you can give away in exchange for their email addresses, this is a perfect way to attract potential leads.

62% of people who enter a contest will spread the word to their friends.

23. Host a Webinar to Grow Your Email List

Webinars are a great way of promoting your business and building relationships with your audience. If you have a product or service that you’re offering for free, you can invite interested members to join a webinar in order to show them how it works. Then once they sign up, follow up with them and make sure they know about upcoming occasions that will help them understand the details of your business.

24. Add an email button to your business profile

Putting an email signup button on your business profile will allow you to incorporate more people into your marketing strategies. You can also use it to notify future customers when you have something for them to read or download, as well as managing your inbox.

25. Use Social Sharing Tools

Social media channels are a great way of growing your online business and providing value to people that you come into contact with regularly. If you’re able to share interesting articles or campaigns then this is a powerful way of getting their attention, building relationships, and helping them learn more about what they can receive from you.

26. Set Up an Email Nurture Sequence

Email nurture sequences are a great way of educating people about your business and increasing the likelihood that they will purchase from you. You can send them updates, updates on new offers, and remind them of how valuable they are to you.

27. Build a Subscription Page on Your Website

If you have different products or services that your customers might like, then it’s a good idea to set up a subscription page where they can sign up for future information or products. If these look interesting enough to their potential customers, then this is another fantastic way of growing your list.
It’s also a good idea to include an archive of previous newsletters so people can browse your previous emails sent to your list. This can give them a better view of your company and show them the continued value that you have to offer your subscribers.

28. Promote your emails in your video descriptions

Use your existing website as a way of promoting your business. Embedding videos on your site with a form is one of the best ways of asking for their email addresses. If you have different products or services that might be of interest to them, then this is also a good way of getting potential customers in touch with you.

29. Collect emails in-store

Businesses should consider including a form for people to sign up for their emails in-store. This will give them the chance to receive updates on what is happening at your business and how they can get involved. It’ll also make signing up for your business a much more natural thing, as opposed to having to search around the site for it!

30. Create a blog that focuses on people’s needs

A good blog is an excellent way of capturing leads. Blog posts focus on people’s needs, and they are interested in what you have to offer. A blog helps potential customers develop a relationship with you by giving them value at every step of the way.

31. Add Sign up Call to Action on Your Facebook Page

When someone visits your Facebook page or store, create a lead capture form using the app. This is a great way of engaging with potential customers and getting them to sign up for your email newsletter.

32. Partner with influencers and larger companies

Businesses partner with influencers and larger companies to build relationships, distribute their content, and find new leads through their follers and lists. Reach out and offer to be a guest or co-host on a Youtube show or podcast related to your niche market. This is a great way to get further exposure and awareness. Creating a special offer for the partner’s audience is a popular way to grow your email list.

33. Release an eBook

Ebooks are a great way of highlighting your business, educating people on what you have to offer, and getting them involved in your business. You can also put an email sign-up form on the back of the ebook so they can sign up for updates about your business.

34. Add a call to action to your YouTube videos

There will be some potential customers who would enjoy watching videos about your business. So if you have YouTube videos, it’s a good idea to add a call-to-action that asks people if they would like more information or content from you.

35. Host an online webinar

Webinars are a great way of educating interested people about your business. It’s a live event that people can tune in to at their own convenience from anywhere in the world. You can even offer special offers, bonuses, and discounts during the webinar for those who sign up.

36. Create a viral contest

Contests are fun and they’re popular with all target demographics. If you can set up a contest that people will enjoy entering, then this is a great way of getting more attention towards your business and building connections with potential customers.

37. How-to video series

Videos are a great way of educating others on the same subject. Videos are a great way to get people to sign up for an email list by putting the link to your opt-in form in the video description or comments. They can also be used to sell your products and services.

38. Create a checklist

Checklists are a great way of getting people involved in your business whilst also giving them an easy way to identify new products or services that they might like. You can also use checklists for affiliate offers, which means you could be sharing the commission with persons that signs up using it.

39. Keep lead-capturing forms short

As well as having an easy-to-spot lead capture form, it’s a really good idea to

keep your form short. This way potential customers will be able to enter their email addresses without being faced with too many questions or challenges. Multiple studies have shown that shorter forms convert much higher than long forms do.

40. Collect emails through guest WIFI

When you have WIFI on your store, people will logon to it. So a way to get their email addresses is to ask them to sign up for your email newsletter when they connect.

41. Exit intent pop-ups

Exit intent pop-ups are great for gathering emails. This is a popup that appears when the user’s mouse scrolls outside of the browser window or they attempt to close the browser tab. They are a great way to get people to enter their email address and opt-into your list. They can be made in different styles and they can be very effective.

WPBeginner.com increased their subscribers by 600% using exit-intent popups on their website.

42. Include timed pop-up surveys on your site

The key to using a timed pop-up survey is to make it short and simple. You can ask them if they are interested in your business and give them the chance to sign up for your email newsletter if they are. This is a good way of getting people involved in your business and for you to get new email signups.

43. Use Gated Content

Gated content is the term for content that is only available to those who have already signed up for your list. They are better than pop-ups because they are more automated, which means you can get thousands of persons to sign up.

44. Adding email addresses without permission

You can take advantage of people when they are on your site and not expecting it. You can add their email address to your email signup form without their permission. This is a sneaky but effective way of getting new customers. You will need to ensure that you follow the rules and regulations when doing this, but it can be a very effective way of getting new leads.
Be aware of the laws regarding this in your country when doing this. GDPR laws can make this tactic a very poor marketing choice and be a turn-off to those that never opted in to receive your emails. This is a high-risk tactic to use, and although we do not recommend doing it, it is effective in some niche markets.


The above are just some of the ways you can use to grow your business. There are many other strategies and ways that you can use to help your business grow and sell more products and services.
The best way to capture leads is to involve potential customers as much as possible, create a buzz around your business and product or service, provide value at every stage of the process, provide ease of interaction, engage people in your business through various channels including social media. Educate them through content and videos, give them useful products or services to purchase, while also keeping them up to date with all the latest news about you.