Improve your site SEO using the best Google Analytics Tips to track your Visitors.

Everyone knows Google Analytics, but only a few use it for Visitor tracking.

It is no surprise, of course. The ones who use Google Analytics (GA) get valuable and usable insights to work for visitor tracking and website SEO. Though GA is a great analytics tool, we advise going through step-by-step on each tactic, especially for beginners or those new to GA.

I believe these best tips on Google Analytics are the basic optimization practices you need to know when looking for relevant data, interpreting that data, and taking action to improve your site SEO. These basic actionable tips on GA will guide you as you go through their key benefits and some pros and cons.

Let’s go over these best Google Analytics tips to understand its basics for visitor tracking and rank on top positions in the search engine result pages (SERP).

The Best Google Analytics Tips to Improve Your SEO

Google Analytics aims to give proactive and predictive insights to understand your customers’ preferences. It can create better experiences for them.

Analytics can ease your understanding of your site and app user’s interfaces and engagement with your content. Integrate free tools to analyze website traffic to improve your site SEO.

Giving you informed-decisions to know what works or not for your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). When you look into people’s interaction with your site and apps, you can measure all SEO factors in your GA reports.

Use these best tips on Google analytics to connect various online platforms, devices, and web systems. Doing so lets you access and measure their interfaces and other customer touchpoints for a reliable analytics experience. Accessing the new GA experience varies with setting up Universal Analytics or Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Property.

These best Google Analytics tips plus some industry-proven GA tactics can help you launch a significant goal, optimize your Visitor tracking, and ease your conversion rate.

Take a quick tour of these best tips on Google Analytics from seasoned professionals and experts in the industry.

24 Google Analytics Tips for Visitor Tracking

1 – Attributes of Google Analytics

Audiences behave with different intents. So is Google Analytics that allows you to check these behaviors to make changes to your site. Providing a better user experience for your audiences.

Know how GA helps you discover where your most valuable users come from. Google Analytics identifies a visitor as either a new or returning user. The GA collects basic data from your website and differentiates between new and returning users based on visitors’ browser cookies.

The GA Tool helps you know the user-interfaces on your site for you to take action to improve both their experience and your findability. Check out its finer attributes to integrate with other solutions and partner products to save time and increase your efficiency for visitor tracking.

2 – Arrange or Configure Your Google Analytics

When you first sign-up and log-in, you will see the home page or “Home” dashboard. You cannot expect useful insights here except for a summary of what’s interesting about your website data.

You can see the first few data (cards) on your overall traffic and conversions, such as users, revenue, conversion rate, and sessions. You can click a metric to change the graph. Get to the column and see the exact number or volume of users by minute, monthly, weekly, and daily user activity or users’ count.

You can also see individual reports on the left of the screen grouped by topic. Ensure to correctly set up analytics for a website and app (GA4) for visitor tracking. When setting up GA, people commit mistakes that are more severe than others, and even small ones can seriously affect a website’s accuracy and usability.

Such mistakes include a missing tracking code or multiple tracking codes on a page, non-use of a referral exclusion list, incorrect set-up of events & their interaction, and tracking websites using JavaScript frameworks with default settings. Prevent any of these issues on your site.

Use articles or references online like the GA Google Developers, GA YouTube Channel, Google Analytics Blog, and the analytics community to know more. We recommend investing in website optimization such as professional consultation, site audit, and GA set-up within your budget. Get new features and functionality in the release notes (as of November 20, 2020) of the next generation GA4 or “Google Analytics 4 Property.”

3 – Add Google Analytics to WordPress

Freemium GA is available, especially for WordPress sites. All you need is to secure a Google or Gmail account to sign up. It’s quite simple. Follow the basic instructions, like in this video tutorial, to create your GA account on your WordPress website.

If you do not feel watching the video, make these installations guides as part of your checklist of the best Google Analytics tips:

4 – Analytics Tracking ID or Global Tag.

If you are new and don’t have one, you can sign up for a GA account. Try-out the new Google Analytics, set up your website and app on a GA4 property. You’ll need user permission on the GA account to set-up data collection based on your type of site, like finding your Global Tag or tracking ID.

A Google Tag Manager is a free tool to help add and manage multiple analytics and site-tracking tags. Read this Google Tag Manager set-up/ installation guide to help you in the process.

Ensure to visit your website, and then check the Real-Time reports in Analytics to verify that your visit was registered or is working as you desired. The Google Tag Assistant can also help you decide and implement your Tag correctly with the rest of your Best Tips on Google Analytics.

5 – Analyze Google Data With A Purpose

We’ve all done using Google Analytics with a purpose quickly. You check one report, and two hours after that, you are left searching or getting something different from what you expect.

Know what and why you do the analytics and how you can get actionable insights from your analytics. Check the data as quickly as possible for specific reasons and as part of your best Google Analytics Tips.

Collaborate with an easy-to-use interface and shareable reports. Share huge data chunks quickly while using Google’s API configuration. Analytics has built-in technical support and a global infrastructure that delivers secure, accurate data across your sites and apps under your full control as one of your best tips on Google Analytics.

6 – Automate Your Organic Traffic Report

Monitor and report your site traffic issues to help improve SEO for your website. Manually doing this is inefficient. Set up alerts for organic site traffic performance instead. These alerts can warn you when you experience any changes in your organic traffic over a definite period.

You can start at a 20% decrease and a 30% increase week over week. Consider it as an effect of your relevant keywords that drive more visitor searches to your site. You can adjust these numbers considering your site’s condition. When search engines may have ranked your pages with irrelevant keywords, ensure you have it on your alarm and include it in your reporting as part of your best tips on Google Analytics.

Better to automate the monitoring and reporting of your organic traffic dips and spikes. Do these alerts globally across the views you can access in the GA tool. Make use of the mobile app version for android and IOS devices to access your Google Analytics data 24/7 quickly. The new app supports both Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 properties.

7 – Cost of Google Analytics for Visitor Tracking

Google Analytics is what they call an online “freemium” service. Small businesses can use it without paying a monthly charge. Should you want more advanced features or the ability to do more with the service, there is a recurring fee anyhow.

Freely choose what suits you well to track your website visitors within your budget and as part of your best Google Analytics tips to improve your site SEO and get your ROI.

8 – Discover A Real Conversion Rate.

The SEO definitive goal is to see more sales from leads of organic search traffic on your website. Improve your SERP rankings for your most valuable pages using GA to achieve a realistic conversion rate.

Your analytics goal is essential to sort your real conversion rate and, as a start, improve landing pages that help your conversion campaigns. People always come back to websites they liked and buy something right away.

Even new users will Google their search to learn more and come across keyword-enriched content, guiding them to your site’s search idea journey and conversion.

They go on the journey, visiting multiple pages on your site and eventually transforming such traffic into a real sales conversion. Make it part of your best Google Analytics Tips.

9 – Free Online Course for Google Analytics

The Analytics Academy is ready to help you should you desire to learn more – for free! You are either a website owner, marketer, analyst, developer, agency, or other online practitioners.

Head to the Analytics Academy to get lessons from experts and GA Courses, especially for Beginners, to elevate your understanding, and get certified. Help build your knowledge on the best Google Analytics tips.

Yes, Analytics Academy helps you learn about Google’s measurement tools to track your visitors and grow your website traffic with a smart way of collecting and analyzing data. Learn through its free online courses here as part of your checklist for best tips on Google Analytics.

10 – Google Analytics Demo User Account.

Explore and learn with a demo user account for data analytics from Google. The Google Analytics demo account is a personalized account that is fully functional for any Google user. It is the smartest way to see real business data and explore it with the best Google Analytics tips and features.

Learn how to access, know where the data comes from, experiment on ways to use the demo account, test its limitations, try how to remove access to the demo account, and track your visitors.

11 – Google Analytics Filtering

Filter your keywords where you rank in positions 3 to 10 in the SERP.

Compare your website pages’ SEO metrics to those that outrank you in the search engine rankings in a simplified or filtered view.

You can create and manage filters at the account and view levels and apply them to a specific or one view, or more views. You can manage account-level filters that you have applied to the view.

Use filters to limit or modify the search data in a view, or exclude data on your click-throughs or search traffic in your google analytics.

Filtering your views helps you check how you exponentially increase or decrease your position when you go up or down the SERP ranks.

Find the keywords you already rank on the first page in positions #2 to #10 to help you in focus tracking and measuring your visitor traffic as one of your best Google Analytics Tips.

12 – Goals in Analytics

Use goals to measure users’ traffic frequency in completing specific actions on your website pages based on your target objectives. Setting your analytics goals can measure your site or app’s ability to fulfill the target objectives you set.

Each of the completed activities, called a conversion, leads to the success of your goal in analytics. Better define your goals as part of your best Google Analytics tips, basic to measuring digital analytics.

When you properly configure your goals, they can allow data analytics to provide you with critical information. This information can include the number of conversions and your site or app’s conversion rate. It can be difficult or near impossible to evaluate your online marketing effectiveness without such critical information.

Learn this overview on how to set-up analytics goals to help define yours for your website visitor tracking.

13 – Google Analytics Heat Mapping

Google has released Heatmap to use your Google Analytics data using a chrome extension called page analytics. Heat maps help visualize the individual values on a metric to track visitors to your website.

The analytics heatmap gives you a graphical representation of your site data, showing user behavior on specific webpages or web page templates you can use for visitor tracking on your sites, along with your other best tips on Google Analytics.

14 – Google Analytics Integration

Build your integration on top of Google Analytics with its simple and powerful Application Programming Interface (APIs), software links that allow two applications to work together. Each time you send an instant message via Facebook or check for weather updates on your mobile phone, you use these APIs.

Learn what is possible to integrate and experience the platforms you can use. APIs allow you to create, access, and manage Google Analytics entities, user permissions, and upload data.

Make it easy to query for data reporting, build a user interface reporting, and dashboards using APIs to retrieve metadata and users’ reporting data. Enable Search Console data sharing in your property settings to your google analytics. It shows your site’s organic search status.

Check analytics data like your on-site user search queries and the number of your site URL appearance in search results, also known as “impressions.” Including post-click data about site engagement, such as bounce and conversion rates. These sets of combined data help you optimize your site for valuable traffic. Adopt this as part of your best Google Analytics tips for visitor tracking.

15 – Google Analytics Scripts

Google Analytics (ga) Tag includes a block of JavaScript code [analytics.js library] on your website pages that executes the tracking process for visitors or users who view and interact with your website. It can create an <script> element that can individually download your analytics data.

The “ga” script initializes a global ga function called the ga() command queue that schedules commands to run once the analytics.js javascript is loaded. The JavaScript tracking snippet defines the initial ga() command queue function even before the analytics.js library is fully loaded.

Using the GA scripts allows you to track and understand user behavior, user experience, online content, device functionality, and more SEO factors of your website.

16 – Keyboard Shortcuts for Power Users of Google Analytics

Use these keyboard shortcuts when you’re working with Analytics reports. Date-range shortcuts work only with reports that have one date picker for the whole report. Like using “?” to open the list of keyboard shortcuts, “a” to open the account picker, “s” or z”/” to open Search in Google Analytics 4, properties, and a lot more.

You can learn more on Google Analytics for Power Users to track and measure visitor traffic on your website effectively like a pro. Include this GA tactic in your checklist of best Google Analytics tips.

17 – Know What Your Data Represents

Any landing page can fall off a website ranking when a user has an average time on the page over ten seconds. It doesn’t sound nice, though. The average time on page is based on the time between GA hits. Any bounced session is zero seconds long, and no-one knows how and what metric to calculate to get this right on your checklist of best Google Analytics tips.

Such data can skew a lot making your data and metric useless in many reports. It is better to look for potential causes, though it is difficult to find patterns and drive more organic traffic.

Look for a page on your website where freshness is its SERP ranking factor instead. Any unusual shift in the search volume of navigational queries affects the organic traffic to your homepage.

Yes, you may have gone viral when more people were Googling your brand. After users find what they came looking for and finding nothing new to dwell longer, a natural drop can happen. So know your data well.

18 – Metrics and Dimensions in Google Analytics

User dimensions and metrics are what comprises each analytics report. Metrics are your quantitative measurements, while dimensions are the attributes of your analytics data. Both metrics and dimensions help you understand the building blocks of your analytics reports.

The tables in most Analytics reports organize dimension values into rows and metrics into columns to facilitate ease of changes in the visitor or user metrics’ values and calculation. Ensure you have this tactic on your checklist of the best Google Analytics tips for visitor tracking.

You can calculate your site’s visitor or user metrics either as an overview total, displaying a summary statistic for your entire site traffic (i.e.bounce, rate, or total pageviews). Or to relate with one or more reporting dimensions that represent the metric value. Learn more about these dimensions and metrics here.

19 – Next Generation Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Property.

Meet the next generation – Google Analytics 4 or GA4, formerly known as “App + Web” to get started with the new Google Analytics property. The GA4 is a new kind of property with different reports than the usual Universal Analytics properties.

A Google Analytics 4 property can allow you to use it for a website, an app, or both a website and app combined. Universal Analytics properties only support websites. Read the announcement to learn more.

The next generation GA4 is perfect for individuals and small to medium-sized companies. GA4 is easy to customize for larger enterprises that need all the best tips on Google Analytics and other online solutions.

20 – Optimize Your GA Integration

Google Analytics has wider integration possibilities with Google and non-Google tools. You can make better-informed decisions about your visitor tracking and your business objectives if you do it right.

Learn to build anything with Google and integrate different tools with Google Analytics to improve your software capabilities and site SEO performance. Some of these Google tools you can integrate with are Android, Adsense, Adwords, Feedburner, Firebase, Flutter, Google Assistant, Google Cloud, Google Documents / Spreadsheet and Google Search Site, Google Maps Platform, Google My Business, Webmaster Tools, Youtube, and a lot more.

You can also use the GA Technology Partner Program to gain the skills you need to develop with Google’s technology and technology partners. Learn to build apps and solutions on the GA platform and make it part of your best Google Analytics tips for visitor tracking.

21 – Proactive Analytics Insights From Organic Data Sources

Sites have difficulties getting a complete view of customers and get useful insights into their user data from significant organic search sources. These capabilities affect marketers and developers to become proactive and predictive in understanding analytics data criteria and samples.

Transforming them into the best Google Analytics Tips based on statistically significant samples. Use ‘remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA)’ with analytics as it equally works the way standard RLSA does. Include this tactic in your checklist of best Google Analytics tips for visitor tracking.

Ensure to adhere to best practices to reduce the risk and avoid sending personally identifiable information (PII) to Google when collecting analytics data.

22 – Track your internal site searches

One interesting GA feature is internal ‘site search tracking’ to know where visitors start to search on your web pages known as ‘Start pages.’

Tracking your internal site search can allow you to find keyword opportunities from the search terms and categories used by the visitors to search for information on your website. The reason why you need to only rank for keywords that align with the user search intent.

Set-up site searches to assess the extent that users took advantage of your site’s search function. You can check how effectively the search results create deeper engagement with your site. Use keyword research tools like Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer to check their search volume and even further track and find keyword opportunities on your internal site searches.

23 – Use of Google Annotations.

Use annotations or notes that show up on every time chart in the GA tool. These annotations pinpoint issues and changes that you can add to dates within your GA reports. It is useful to log changes, especially on any drop of visitor traffic, and deploy a technical SEO on your website.

Whatever the changes are, log them with annotations to save time and sanity down the line. It allows you to easily gauge the effects of such changes and the reasons for any changes in your visitor traffic. Use annotations as part of your best Google Analytics tips for visitor tracking.

You can then replicate changes that can lead to positive outcomes and avoid repeating mistakes that can cause adverse effects. It allows a user who has access to a GA profile to leave shared or private notes right on the over-time graph. Bringing significant intelligence to data on your site tends to be the most expensive.

24 – Utilize On-site Search Queries

A search query is essentially an idea journey that starts with a user desire. So, look at your on-site search data on a fairly regular basis. From there, map your keywords on your website pages to the user’s journey.

Do your keyword mapping with their search or buying journey and look for queries they search for at each stage as part of your best Google Analytics tips for visitor tracking. On-site search queries engage your site to users who use the queries to look for it on your web content. They show the intention of using your on-site search queries.

A basic trust level is in place for users to continue their active search journey with your site even after satisfying their searches. Hence, the post-search user behavior you need to integrate to your on-site search query functions includes the likelihood to return, add to their cart, consume your content, and convert them into sales.

Creating an internal search engine can be a good analytics option. If you are an e-commerce site, Visitors use it to find brands, products, and articles on your website.

Final Thoughts

Decide which of these best actionable tips on the GA Tool are right for you, but I suggest you consider all of these best Google Analytics Tips for Visitor Tracking on your sites.

Reach your audience with a careful collection and analysis of your data and measure your ROI. Track your sites and apps using these best Google Analytics tips for visitor tracking and other similar resources online.

Discover new insights from your visitor tracking data that can likely lead to a high-revenue potential.

When you only need SEO guidance or do your SEO work and have an insufficient monthly budget to get the best tips on Google Analytics, our “Done for You” Google SEO Services is a great place to start.

Track your site visitors to improve your SEO and get your page on Google’s first page using your google analytics insights. Connect your content with the highest number of search idea journey as possible.

You may also test the waters and try our Web Design and SEO services before making a larger commitment. Whatever your situation, our web professionals and experts can help you track your site’s organic traffic to fit your investment needs within your budget.