The Digital Marketing Internship Program at gets 3 new students. would not be where it is right now without the help of our remarkable interns. Our 12 week-long Digital Marketing Internship Program is focussed on advancing our students with real-world knowledge that cannot be obtained within the classroom. We seek out the best candidates that display the most promise and dedication to learning their digital marketing craft. We have three students from Joliet Junior College in Joliet, IL joining our 2020 Digital Marketing Internship Program.

We believe that our Digital Marketing Internship Program should include everything about knowing, finding, and growing, which is why our program is a unique learning experience. Our internship program is designed to stimulate, influence, and empower our student interns with an appealing opportunity that complements the academic environment. As an intern, we encourage them to get out of their comfort zones while working with actual client tasks. 

Our Digital Marketing Internship Program consists of training in the following areas:

  1. Website Hosting and Security
  2. Website Development
  3. RFP’s, Proposals, and Contracts
  4. Project Management
  5. Search Engine Optimization
  6. PPC Marketing
  7. Content Research & Writing

Our interns are wise, enthusiastic, and also will do whatever it takes to do the job. So we thought, why not introduce them to the world in a blog post. 

Brandon Carson

brandon profileBrandon is currently a Joliet Junior College student and has already achieved his first associate’s degree in Management and Supervision from the college. Brandon believes that business knowledge is crucial to understanding an appropriate workplace as well as being wise enough to earn money. After pursuing his degree, he had the opportunity to move up to a management position within his existing employer. However, he quickly learned that he would not be satisfied in such a career as it was stressful, demanding, and lacked any gratifying rewards. Brandon then took the risk to leave that company to further his education and enrolled a second time as a student at Joliet Junior College to earn a Cybersecurity degree. Brandon chose this field because the idea of wireless communications intrigues him, and it is essential to our everyday lives. Brandon is excited to dive in and gain as much knowledge as possible in the field. 

Personal Hobbies;

brandon hobbyIn Brandon’s spare time, he usually spends countless hours strumming a guitar. He has acquired over twelve guitars since he started taking his first lesson at the age of 13. After some time, he developed his skills enough to be able to play in a band, and he has performed on television, played festivals, and an abundance of venues and shows with various bands. He stays humble and says he is by no means a Rockstar, but it is certainly an enjoyable pastime for anyone looking to acquire a new skill. 





Myles Gardner

myles profileMyles Gardner is currently pursuing a degree in Web design and Social Media. He chose this degree because technology has always been a passion of his. Growing up, he loved to tinker and find his niche in the world of technology. Luckily, he was able to find his passion early on, and because of this, he has jumped in headfirst to gather as much information about technology as he can. After graduation, Myles strives to eventually become a community manager for a gaming company. This way he can combine my love for video games and social interaction. 


Personal Hobbies;

myles hobbyBesides technology, some of Myles’ favorite hobbies include hiking, sports, and music. His favorite place to hike is in Colorado because of the amazing scenery and weather. Growing up, he played baseball and basketball. So naturally, those fell into his favorite sports. You can find Myles cheering on the White Sox and the Chicago Bulls. 






Scott McKeever

sscott profileScott grew up in Bolingbrook, Illinois, where he spent his childhood writing creative short stories and looking at life through a lens. He found his interest in photography at age 7; he was given a disposable Kodak camera, which evolved to filmmaking at age 13. Scott spent all his teen years shooting home movies, and action flicks with friends. At age 19, he moved to the Chicago South Loop in pursuit of his bachelor’s degree in film production. He enjoyed contacting business owners and securing locations for set productions, using the Adobe Creative Cloud to design and execute promotional and marketing material, and strategizing budget and schedules for multiple crew departments. And during all this, he was also writing and directing short films of his own. 

Scott made the big move to Los Angeles in 2016, where he continued working in the service industry (since 17) in Beverly Hills. He spent his free time hiking the Hollywood Hills (the “Wisdom Tree Path,” from which you can see several major cities) and working on independent creative projects. It didn’t take long before that highly marketable and relentlessly advertising city captured his interest in not only pitching and selling his film ideas but selling the concept of selling products, working behind the scenes to predict and forecast the needs of the many. He returned to Illinois at the end of the year to save money and reinvest in a formal education, taking a few coding classes before diving into Digital Marketing and SEO strategy. He has about three semesters remaining to complete his associate’s degree at Joliet Junior College, meanwhile beginning to work towards his Google Ads and Facebook/Instagram Blueprint Certifications while bartending at a dine-in movie theater. Scott’s goals are to build his own digital marketing company from the ground up while saving up for a home to one day start a family.

Personal Hobbies;

scott hobbyNowadays, he enjoys road trips. His most recent travels were to the Rocky Mountains for astrophotography, which is skilled photography of the Milky Way Galaxy. He also has a great interest in how home technology creates a seamless ecosystem and fine-tuning that system, as well as stock trading.