Your best digital marketing asset is your website

Most often than not, a digital marketer overlooks the importance of a strong web presence. Many of these marketing strategists fail to see the direct correlation of successful digital marketing campaigns and user experience. Before you can even create a digital marketing strategy and ultimately bring some money into your online business, you have to drive people to visit your site. When you provide these visitors with what they want, they’d turn into leads, then, to loyal customers.

How can you create a successful digital marketing campaign if you don’t understand the workings of a powerful driver such as a website? Your website isn’t just a reservoir of information, you need to let that information work for you. Your website should be easily navigable, and your content is informative and free from grammar errors.

This article answers how you can use your website to enhance your digital marketing campaigns further. We have also identified your primary issues as you leverage your website for marketing tactics. We have also provided tips for your inbound and outbound marketing strategies.

The Relation of Your Website And A Digital Marketing Campaign

Your website is the online representation of your business. An efficient website is one of the keys to successful digital media marketing campaigns. Traditional brand marketing alone can’t suffice for the growing need of your customers. Neither can you turn a blind eye to the vast opportunities a website can provide for your business.

The value proposition you offer to the customers, as well as the optimal website experience, most often leads to conversion through the website. In contrast, a poorly designed website with little offered value would find its marketing campaigns a flop.

The Fundamental Issues To Resolve

You need to address two issues: how to create informative, quality content, and how to drive visitors to your site. Here’s the caveat, just to be realistic. You’ will invest a great deal of time tweaking and re-tweaking your website until you get that secret sauce. Remember, there is no strict rule when it comes to these two issues mentioned above. What works for one may not work for everyone else. There are nuances that only your visitors can provide. The good news is, there are guidelines you can follow, so you are guided on the right track.

Quality Content

Your website won’t be complete without quality content. The best digital marketing campaigns always include content. Your strategies may consist of several elements, but it’s your content that takes up the top spot. Without it, your marketing efforts would just bust. Your content nurtures relationships with your website visitors; relationships build trust. Not only that, but your content is also your base for all other marketing efforts.

Your blog posts and all other pages should be informative and provide answers to what your visitors are looking for. Before they decide on buying your products or committing to your offers, they need to know more about you, your products and services. That said, educating your audience is a must. Tell them about your company, present them with exclusive information they can’t find anywhere else, and give them information to show your expertise in your niche.

Boosting Web Traffic

In one way or another, digital marketing campaigns affect your web traffic. Most times, it’s going to boost the latter, but just like content, you should also have quality visitors. After all, the more visitors you have, the higher chances of increasing your chances of converting your leads into customers. You can try boosting your organic traffic or have paid ads.

Creating Great User Experience

An excellent user experience is about addressing what your audience wants. This aspect taps into the needs and wants of your general viewer. Great user experience has the right juxtaposition of your audience’s emotions and your placement of information on your website. You can follow Peter Morville’s User Experience Honeycomb Model. It mentions that the value people find in your website can be defined in seven aspects: usefulness, usability, findability, credibility, accessibility, value, and desire.

Building Online Credibility

Your website and your credibility come hand-in-hand. Without a website, your business would not be considered credible. Your website is the platform where visitors can know more about you and the products you offer. For your customers to become loyalists, there should be trust. Your website can establish this aspect- and when there is credibility, there is authority, making you above par.

The Importance of Websites for Marketing

Consumers want to make smarter decisions in buying, and one way that they inform themselves of a particular product is by searching about that product online. Such behavior highlights the growing need of businesses to have a website to bring in people and provide them with the information needed.

Your website is your headquarters

This is the one place where buyers can freely learn about your product. You may have your social media platforms, but these can’t provide your prospects with a more enriching learning experience that website can. You can create longer articles and include high-quality images anywhere you want in a specific post.

A place of conversion

Your website is where you direct your prospects from your email marketing campaigns to convert. Say, a newsletter informs them of your new product. All there is to do is click the link in that newsletter, and they are directed to your product page. In there, they will have a more in-depth understanding of your products and services.


Without a website, you have no place to send your readers when your business appears along with the keyword you rank for. You’d be missing that opportunity of bringing in more traffic for your business.

Your Website and Content Marketing

Perhaps one of the online marketing strategies you can employ is content marketing. The first step you must figure out in content marketing is identifying who your target audience is. Once you’ve done that, you can proceed in defining your goals and strategies.

Guessing your target audience is not a good idea because part of content marketing is identifying the keywords your target market uses. That being said, a speculated target market might be using a different set of keywords. In the long run, your online marketing strategies won’t work. That will be a waste of your time and money.

How to Find Your Target Market

Your target audience is the foundation of all of your digital marketing campaigns. The deeper you understand them, you’ll notice there’s going to be higher ROIs and conversion rates. Here are some tips to follow when understanding your target market

  • Not everyone is going to fit into your target market space
  • Learn to adapt on the fly
  • Analyze the people who are already buying from you. Consider their ages, interests, locations, languages, spending patterns and some more
  • Know
  • Check social media analytics
  • Learn about your competition
  • Have in-depth knowledge of your offers. Know who can benefit more from your products and services
  • Write down your brand statement
  • Create a market positioning ma

Proper Content Research

Through proper research, you’d know the appropriate length of your articles, the number of segments these should have, and the right keywords to use. Content research is not just about keyword search; the goal of content research is to create compelling and useful articles that fit right in on search rankings, your reader’s needs, and your brand’s visibility.

Here are the best content research practices you can apply to your marketing

  • Know who your target audience it
  • Monitor how your target audience behaves in their social media platforms
  • Study what your competitors are writing about
  • Apply keywords research

Inbound Marketing Tactics

Your website is a business. Use your content to hook your readers into your conversion funnel, so they become leads then a sale. Don’t merely treat your content as is; it should have a purpose- and that is to act as a lure for your visitors.

What Is Inbound Marketing

If there is a word to best describe inbound marketing, it would be “magnetic”. True enough, this kind of digital marketing strategy attracts the best audience for your market by providing solutions to their problems. At the heart of inbound marketing is your content. Without it, you can attract potential customers.

Content adapts to every level of your buyers’ journey if you use the inbound marketing approach. Your content allows your visitors to be acquainted with your products at the beginning of their journey. Another type of content will enable them to compare products and services. The following kind of content will dwell on a deeper understanding of your products. The last content allows you to nurture them after they have bought from you.

Setting Inbound Marketing Strategies

You should already include your inbound marketing strategies at the beginning of your content development. This way, you can create better, more compelling, and accurate articles so you can make your readers take some action over your proposal.

Leveraging Your Website for Content Marketing

How to use content to reach to your audience

At this level, your audience realizes they have a need. They are most likely to be researching solutions to their needs.

Your Best Content Approach:

  • Blog Posts
  • eBooks
  • White Paper
  • Research

How to use content to consider your products

This is the second level where your potential buyer is now aware that their issues can be solved, and they are considering some options. They are still non-committed at this point because they are still considering some things such as price points, opportunities, and the most viable brand that can answer their concerns.

Your Best Content Approach:

  • Comparison posts
  • How-to’s
  • Expert Posts
  • Case Studies

How to use content to help your buyer to decide

It is at this level that the buyers can now decide whos product to buy. You need to shift gears from educational entries to promotional. You should write content that highlights your products, the advantages of using your products, and the unique selling points.

Your Best Content Approach:

  • Product Demos
  • Product Comparisons
  • Testimonials
  • Reviews

How to use content to nurture your buyers

Finally, your potential buyers have decided, and they chose you! Content marketing goes beyond that purchase- you must be able to nurture your customers’ sensibilities, so they keep on purchasing from you.

Your Best Content Approach:

  • Newsletters
  • User Guides
  • Promotional Posts
  • Product Updates

How to leverage your website for email marketing

Email marketing is still a compelling communication and persuasion tool used in online marketing strategies. Using email to bring in potential buyers is the sure way to go if you want to increase your leads. Here’s how:

  • Add a clickable link that directs your reader to information-rich posts on your website.
  • Personalize your email, so your customer feels valued but does so when you’ve already established a relationship
  • Offer a downloadable eBook that can only be found on your website
  • Provide a webinar that you will host on your site when they sign-in on your email list
  • Promote your new products via newsletters to bring potential buyers to your website
  • Include a call to action form that encourages signing-up for an email list on your homepage

Leveraging Your Website for SEO

If you want to learn what your audience is looking for, there is only one way to go: apply SEO to your website. The more you know what they want, the type of content they often prefer, and the answers they are seeking, you can drive more organic traffic to your website.

Here are tips on how you can improve your on-page SEO

  • Make sure that your website loads fast.
  • Use the appropriate attributes for your images and other rich content.
  • Make sure that your content is engaging.
  • Perform a keyword search.
  • Avoid duplicate content.
  • Make sure your website is mobile-responsive

Leveraging Your Website for Social Media

Social media is a goldmine of potential leads and customers. Social media being a great influencer of buyer behavior, is an understatement. According to this study, almost a quarter of decisions to buy are affected by social media.

Here’s how you can integrate social media with your website

  • Make sure that your website contains high-quality, high definition images.
  • Add social buttons on your pages but only add those that you’re active on
  • Use hashtags, but keep them short.
  • Enable social sharing on your product pages
  • Include social sign-ins

Outbound Digital Marketing Tactics

Outbound marketing is a kind of marketing where you initiate reaching out to your potential buyers. In a sense, it is interruptive and disruptive. In contrast to inbound marketing where buyers find you, in outbound marketing, you’d actively seek out your prospect leads. For example, you are reaching out to people without any idea, whether they are suitable for your products.

Outbound marketing is much like traditional marketing. You reach far and wide in the hopes that you get better chances of reaching your target market. Unlike inbound marketing, outbound marketing takes a general message, so you get to cover more people and hook them. Examples of outbound marketing include email blasts using purchased email lists, cold calling, direct mail, and advertising.

Outbound marketing uses external sources to drive traffic to your website, a move that might cost more has little investment return and low yield. In the long run, the more targeted your audience, the better they can respond to your strategies, and the more you are in your tactics.

Next Steps

Whatever marketing strategy you are going to employ, take note that you still need to consider several factors such as age, location, salary, and the likes. All these play a pivotal role in identifying the most suitable kind of market for your business. Each of these marketing techniques has its pros and cons and would give you different results. Study each tactic and apply the best one on your website.

To be successful, you’ve got to dig deeper into understanding your market. To become more successful in your digital marketing campaigns, you have to learn how to group data so you can analyze them accordingly.