Starting strong by build SEO into a new website is important when launching a new website. Many people expect traffic to appear magically after the launch, only to realize they must spend more money fixing SEO issues later.

By build SEO into a new website from the ground up, you can save money and achieve faster results than adding it as an afterthought. This article will guide you through the three stages of a website launch – the strategy, build, and launch phases – and explain how to build SEO into a new website should be integrated into each stage.

If you want to advocate for build SEO into a new website while launching your company’s new website, keep reading for valuable insights.

3 Stages of a website launch - How To Build SEO Into A New Website From The Ground Up

3 Stages of a website launch

Stage 1: The strategy phase

During the initial stages of building a new website, the strategy phase, various aspects, such as the visual design and functionality, are discussed. However, it is crucial to prioritize build SEO into a new website. This can be achieved through key tasks that will guide designers and developers in constructing the site, including conducting thorough keyword research and implementing SEO siloing techniques. By focusing on these tasks from the start, the website will be well-equipped to optimize its visibility and ranking in search engine results.

Keyword research

A new website must undergo keyword research before it can be built. It allows you to align your website content with the specific search queries that your target audience uses. During the planning stage, the keyword research you conduct will directly impact the content featured on your website at launch. This research helps determine the website’s navigation and the topics covered.

To create your seed list of keywords, it’s important to engage your team and ask them about the main topics your website should be relevant for, the search terms they would use to find what you offer, and how your audience describes your products or services. Additionally, identifying the problems your offerings solve and the corresponding search queries for those problems is essential.

By exploring these questions, you can compile a comprehensive list of keywords. However, this list must be refined using the appropriate SEO tools. Once you have refined your keyword list, you will understand how your website’s main navigation will look. This sets the stage for implementing effective SEO siloing strategies.

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SEO siloing

SEO siloing is a strategy that helps to organize the content and links on a website. The main goals of SEO siloing are to improve user navigation, increase the relevance of pages for important keywords, and establish the website’s expertise and authority on a particular subject.

To implement SEO siloing, you can start by conducting keyword research to identify the keywords that are important for your website. For example, if you have a power tools website that sells cordless power tools, electric power tools, and gas-powered tools, your keyword research might reveal key terms like “cordless power tools,” “electric power tools,” and “gas-powered tools.”

You can create a site architecture that supports these keywords with relevant content based on this keyword research. When working with website designers and developers, it’s important to be involved in creating the site navigation. You can show how the site’s navigation and content align with the identified keywords.

A visual representation, like a graphic, can help illustrate the landing pages and subpages that need to be developed for the Power Tools website. These pages should have content that supports the primary keywords, helping to improve the website’s overall SEO performance.

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SEO siloing takes things further and indicates how to link these pages.

Stage 2: The build phase

During the build phase of creating a new website, it is important to prioritize Build SEO Into A New Website. This phase typically takes the longest and involves the designers and developers creating the site. Ensuring everyone involved is mindful of build SEO into a new website during this process is crucial.

There are three key areas to focus on during this stage:

  1. The website’s technical aspect includes site structure, URL optimization, and mobile responsiveness. Attention to these technical aspects will help improve the website’s overall SEO performance.
  2. The content development on the site: Creating high-quality, relevant, and keyword-rich content is essential for SEO success. This involves conducting keyword research and incorporating those keywords naturally throughout the website’s content.
  3. The site’s on-page optimization: Optimizing meta tags, headers, and image alt tags is crucial for on-page SEO. These optimizations help search engines understand the content on each page and improve the website’s visibility in search engine results.

By prioritizing build SEO into a new website during the build phase, you can set a strong foundation for your new website and increase its chances of ranking well in search engine results.

Technical aspects

When building a new website, it’s important to consider the technical aspects that can impact its SEO performance. Many website designers and developers may not understand SEO well, which can lead to a site that hinders search engine crawling and comprehension.

Additionally, the website may not offer the best user experience, which is crucial as Google’s page experience update becomes a priority for website publishers. Before starting the project, you must ensure your designers and developers align with SEO-friendly web design principles.

Discussions should be held regarding how the website will be easily accessible and crawlable for search engines, ensuring a seamless user experience across different devices and creating easy webpages through links, buttons, and pop-ups. It’s also important to prioritize website speed and security.

The people responsible for building the site should consider several SEO-friendly design principles, including clean code, a fast-loading site, mobile-friendliness, core web vitals, avoiding intrusive pop-ups, and implementing HTTPS. For more detailed information on these topics, Google for Developers provides valuable resources.

The content

The content plays a crucial role when building a new website with SEO in mind. Google prioritizes high-quality content in its search engine rankings, and with so much competition out there, this aspect cannot be overlooked.

As the person responsible for SEO, you must ensure every landing page and subpage has valuable and informative content. Ask yourself important questions during the content creation process:

  • Is the content being created with the necessary expertise and knowledge?
  • Is your website or brand positioning itself as an authority in the field?
  • Can visitors trust the information provided?
  • Are you providing better answers to queries compared to your competitors?
  • Are you incorporating data from search results, such as “People Also Ask” and “Searches related to,” and addressing common FAQs?
  • Are you including original research, data, opinions, and relevant images?
  • Are you fact-checking and citing high-quality and relevant resources?
  • Are you maintaining high accuracy when discussing finance, health, or other sensitive topics?

Focusing on these content-related aspects ensures that your website is optimized for SEO right from the start.

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Optimizing your website is a crucial step in building a strong SEO foundation. While there is no one-size-fits-all checklist, several important on-page tactics must be considered.

Firstly, ensure that your content is written at an appropriate grade level for your target audience and subject matter. This helps improve readability and user experience.

Next, pay attention to meta tags. Each webpage should have original and compelling title tags and meta descriptions with the right character count. Including relevant keywords in these tags can boost your page’s visibility in search results.

Properly formatting heading tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.) is another essential aspect of optimization. This helps search engines understand the structure and hierarchy of your content.

Keyword optimization is also important. Look for opportunities to incorporate relevant keywords throughout your content to enhance relevancy naturally.

Don’t forget about image optimization. Optimized images increase the chances of driving traffic through image search results. Additionally, including alt text on images is essential for accessibility, benefiting the visually impaired.

Consider utilizing schema markup to provide additional clarity to search engines about your page’s content. offers guidelines on how to implement structured data effectively.

Lastly, pay attention to other forms of structured data like tables, bulleted lists, and a table of contents. Formatting your content in a user-friendly manner helps both search engines and visitors understand its context.

Ensure that your links are fully qualified, including the complete URL. While this may require more upfront work, it simplifies maintenance in the long run.

By focusing on these optimization techniques, you can enhance your website’s visibility and improve its chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

Stage 3: The launch phase

The launch phase of building a new website is a critical stage where you need to ensure everything goes smoothly. To optimize your website for SEO during this phase, there are some important tasks to complete.

Before your site goes live, conducting a thorough crawl using an SEO tool is essential to identify any errors that must be addressed. Additionally, properly configure Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track and analyze your website’s performance.

From a technical standpoint, it’s crucial to correctly set up components like the XML sitemap, HTML site map, and robots.txt file. These elements play a significant role in helping search engines understand and navigate your website.


Launching a new website is an exciting time for everyone involved. Regarding SEO, this stage is crucial for monitoring and taking appropriate actions.

One important aspect to look out for is technical errors. Utilizing SEO tools, regularly monitor the site for any technical issues that may arise.

Another aspect to keep an eye on is indexing problems. It’s normal for the site to take a few days or weeks to index but watch for any indexing issues fully.

It’s important to remember that SEO is an ongoing process that never truly ends. It will continuously evolve and change over time. As long as there is competition and Google changes its search algorithms, having a solid SEO strategy for your website is essential.

Build SEO into a new website

When building a new website, starting strong is crucial for success in today’s competitive online landscape. With so many websites vying for attention in search results, incorporating build SEO into a new website from the beginning gives you a significant advantage.

Time is of the essence, as every day matters when it comes to driving traffic and staying ahead of your competitors. If you’re part of a website launch team, it’s essential to prioritize build SEO into a new website at every stage, including the strategy, build, and launch phases. Following this article’s guidance, you can ensure that your new website is off to a powerful start.